9 L9 part1 and 2-corr
People in Other Cultures Part 2
People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 Until what age did you sleep in the same bed as your parents? (if you did) 1 I probably never slept in the same bed as my parents. I was put in a crib from a very young age. Then my parents probably put the crib and me in another room very soon after that, when I was just a few months old. In my country, privacy for parents is very important. The parents’ bed should remain a place for the couple, not for the family. Bill $PHULFDQ VXUYH\RU KDV OLYHG LQ 0H[LFR 9-00 2 In the UK, many people think that if little children sleep in the same bed as their parents they will never “cut the cord”, that is, become fully independent from their parents. So it’s largely frowned upon. 9-00 Catriona %ULWLVK ZULWHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 3 Since I started living in Japan, my thoughts on children having their own rooms has changed. I used to think they should sleep in a separate room from birth, but later I came to think that this should happen when they start school. Now, I think it should be only when they feel ready. Sleeping with my kids was so cozy and intimate. 9-00 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false. True False 1 %LOO VOHSW LQ D VHSDUDWH URRP IURP KLV SDUHQWVȇ IURP ZKHQ KH ZDV ERUQ 2 ΖQ &DWULRQDȇV KRPH FRXQWU\ LWȇV ZLGHO\ EHOLHYHG WKDW VOHHSLQJ ZLWK \RXU FKLOGUHQ LV QRW JRRG IRU WKHLU GHYHORSPHQW 3 7KURXJK H[SHULHQFH &DWULRQD IRXQG WKDW WKHUH ZHUH JRRG SRLQWV WR FR VOHHSLQJ VOCABULARY FULE SULYDF\ FXW WKH FRUG VKRUWO\ DIWHUa NHHS a RQ Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ3DUHQWV DQG FKLOGUHQ 57
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