Next, let’s take a look at validity . Nation defines a valid test as measuring what it is supposed to measure. For example, a speaking test should measure speaking skills. If it involves a large degree of other skills, then it is not valid. For example, if you want to assess your students’ speaking skills and use a traditional multiple choice style test, the students will need to predominantly use knowledge that does not include actual speaking. This sort of test for speaking would therefore not be highly valid. Finally, we have practicality . According to Nation, a practical test fits the following criteria: • Easy to make and mark The practicality of a test is an important thing to consider in this busy day and age. A test may be super reliable and valid, but if it is too difficult to conduct, then its costs will outweigh the benefits. Finding a balance between reliability, validity, and practicality is not always easy to do because these characteristics are often in conflict. As Nation notes, short tests and multiple choice exams may be highly practical, but are they reliable and valid? When push comes to shove, it is better to emphasize reliability and validity over practicality to the highest degree you are able. How should I conduct a speaking test? • Easy for students to interpret • Not expensive to produce • Fits within time available

There are several advantages to this apart-from-the class approach: • The conversation test gives meaning and focus to the students , both on test days and during regular classes. Students practice with greater intensity and enthusiasm because they know they will eventually be held accountable for their effort. • Talking directly with you during a test can be nerve wracking, but the experience will also provide a great confidence-building opportunity as students face and overcome their fears and inadequacies. • Despite the dread associated with tests, students will soon learn how easy it is to succeed if they simply master a very reasonable amount of information and show a willingness to communicate. There are no surprises, tricky questions, or “wrong answers.” All that is asked is that students make an effort to communicate. You will find that many rise to the occasion and exceed expectations . • Students get instant, personalized feedback that can help them identify areas of strength and weakness. How often should I give a speaking test? This will depend on several factors, including your personal teaching style, class size, student level, and your overall willingness. This textbook has been designed with Review Lessons occurring after every two units. These special classes are ideal moments for giving a test. If the book is followed in its intended sequence, that would result in two testing days per 15 week university term- a mid-term and final exam, as it were. Of course you are free to test more often if you like. If you settle into an approach that works well and refine your marking and grading techniques, there is no reason you can’t test your students more often. Ultimately, however, frequency is an issue you will need to decide for yourself.

A solid approach is to test students during class time, in a corner of the room apart from the other students, for short conversations lasting between one and five minutes each. If your class is small, it would be practical to assess each student one on one, but in most cases, students will be testing in pairs (or threes). In this approach, students can receive a mark on the spot for their performance. Prior to taking their turn on the proverbial stage with you, students rehearse and prepare. Afterwards, they can do some productive English activity, such as study vocabulary, complete a worksheet, or get a head start on a homework assignment.

How do I test my students? 121

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