Reliability : This is a highly reliable test in that the directions are very clear and simple. Note, however, that who students get partnered with may influence the reliability to a degree. You may want to pair students up that are of reasonably similar levels of ability. Be on the watch for one student doing most of the work. Also take care to specify how you will mark this test. One idea is to use an open-ended scheme and give points for accurate sentences, required elements, and good intonation during the reading portion. Validity : As a measure of speaking ability, this is not a valid test because it is primarily writing and reading based. However, that does not mean its validity as a learning activity is without merit. Think of this format as a tool that can be used to help really low level learners get a good handle on the basic structure of a conversation. Students who are taking your class because they have to and are demotivated in general will get a lot of good practice out of this test format. They will need to demonstrate a good working knowledge of the content in order to get a good mark, and the reading portion is a good way to focus on intonation and rhythm. Practicality : This is an easy test to prepare, give, and mark. You will need to create a special handout upon which the students can write, then decide clearly how you will mark it. During the test, the students are doing all of the work, so you are free to monitor their progress. Typically pairs will finish at different times, so they can read for you when they are ready. Alternately, if you have a big class, you can do the moving around to save some time. You should also have something ready for the students to do in case they finish early. S EMI - MEMORIZED D IALOG 1. Students pair-write a dialog that contains a list of required elements. One paper is used, and each students writes their own part, passing the paper back and forth as the construct the dialog together. 2. After writing, students memorize the dialog and practice it until they can deliver it smoothly. They can also translate the dialog into Japanese. 3. Students perform the dialog to the teacher. They can look at their translation notes if need be.

This test format is quite similar to the Write and Read a Dialog test in that students work together to pair write a dialog. There is an added challenge, however, in that they must memorize their dialog and perform it for you. However, students are permitted to look at a Japanese translation of their dialog as they perform it. This brings low level students a step closer to actual conversation and provides them with a

valuable learning activity. Reliability : As with the Write & Read format, this is a highly reliable test due to the clarity and transparency of the directions. Beware of vast gaps in ability between partners and try to minimize that as much as possible by assigning pairs. Also be clear on how you will mark their performances. What qualities will you look at? How can students get a high mark?

Validity : Compared with the Write & Read test, this format is a bit more valid as a measure of speaking ability, but it is still not there. Students are speaking to each other in English, yes, but it is not real conversation- it’s a memorised performance. Nevertheless, for many students this will be a huge step forward. It will help them learn vocabulary, and give them an experience of speaking that can encourage them to reach higher next time. Practicality : This is a highly practical format because it is easy to prepare, give, and mark. Prepare your testing paper and marking scheme, and you’re good to go. For the speaking portion, have pairs come to you or move around to them, depending on the class size. If the dialogs are not too long, you will be able to cover a fairly large class. M EMORIZED D IALOG 1. Students pair-write a dialog that contains a list of required elements. One paper is used, and each students writes their own part, passing the paper

How do I test my students? 125

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