1. For the Vary your questions task, dictate the open form of “ Can I call you~? ” and have your students write it in their books: What can I call you? If you like, you can get into the differences between open and closed forms of a question (see page 8 of this manual for more info). 2. For the How about you? activity, give time for students to write their names and what they would like to go by. Model this process on the board for your name. Then, model the model dialog with a few students so that everyone knows what to do. Finally, have students get up and mill around, introducing themselves to their classmates. For an added cultural experience, teach them how to shake hands properly. N OTES FOR P AGE 6 Sounding Natural Notes The Sounding Natural Notes are intended to do just that- helps students speak better English by providing instruction on key pragmatic principles , including the Three Golden Rules and various conversation strategies. Here on page 6, the note covers three elements of a successful 1st-time greeting. In this way, students will come to understand key aspects of English communication more deeply. 1. Play audio track 1-2 and have students listen. 2. Summarize the information using easy English. Note : If you like, you can also print out and photocopy a full bi-lingual transcript (available for download at The students could then follow along with that or read it aloud to each other in pairs. Try this approach if you notice your students dozing off while listening to the recording. N OTES FOR PAGE 7 Guided Speaking Practice This conversation drill is designed to help students see how the Model Sentences flow together in a communicative context and provide substitution vocabulary to expand possibilities for what can be said.

1. Play audio track 1-3 and have the students repeat each line to practice a bit of pronunciation. 2. Since the substitution vocab is not recorded, have the students repeat that after you. Comment on any expression as you see fit. 3. Model the first line of this exercise with a student so that everyone can see how this works- the idea is to read the dialog a total of four times while taking care to substitute in the color-coded items from each row each time through. To maintain coherency, remind students to stay within each row as they go through the dialog. 4. For added practice, have students switch parts and repeat the exercise. N OTES FOR PAGE 8 Speaking Time Each lesson ends with a Speaking Time activity . While any activity will do, this book contains four traditional ones that appear in each unit (see pages 13 to 16 of this manual for more details). For now, have students complete the follow simple task to get a sense of what this activity is like: 1. Have students stand up and act out the Guided Speaking Practice dialog with as many classmates as they can within a set amount of time. Using a timer that everyone can see can help add a sense of urgency. 2. Alternatively, you could have everyone line up and face each other in two rows, rotating clockwise after each round. 3. For an added challenge, tell students to not look at the book when meeting and greeting. Despite the easy level of English, students may find this especially difficult. Work with them to improve eye contact, hand-shake form, and overall positive intonation and body language. 4. After everyone sits down, go over the various types of conversation practice activities that students will be doing in class, including the character cards at the back of the book. Briefly state the focus and purpose of each so that students will know what to expect.

Notes for Teachers: Let’s Get Started! 19

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