❉❉ When talking about past trips, you can use either the past tense (I went) or the present perfect tense (I have been) . The past tense is used when the focus is on the past action, so it's unnatural to have a sentence in this tense without mentioning when that action happened. For example: I went to Hawaii last year . Without “ last year ”, the sentence would be strange. Conversely, the present perfect tense is used when the focus is on the fact that you have had that experience. It is unnatural to mention in the same sentence when that experience happened. For example, you should not say “ I have been to Hawaii last year. ” If you want to introduce that information, add another sentence using the past tense. For example: I’ve been to Hawaii. I went last year . N OTES FOR PAGE 55 Vary your questions Closed form : Have you ever been abroad? ➞ Open form : Where have you been (abroad)? Alternatives : • Where have you been in Japan? • Where have you been in (PLACE)? How about you? • Give students a few minutes to fill in the blanks with their own answers. • Model the model dialog with a few students. Since most of them have likely not traveled abroad yet, it’s good to lead with the open form and then use the closed form to follow-up for where they have traveled in Japan. • Have students talk about their hometown attractions with several classmates, taking care to use both open in closed forms. If they can manage a few follow-up questions at this point, great, but this skill will be developed in the following activity.

Preview • This dialog showcases the sub-theme of past travel experiences. In this part, students will be using the past tense to talk about previous trips. • Things you could mention about this dialog: • Line 1: Saying your partner’s name from time to time is a friendly thing to do. People like it when you remember their name! • Line 2 : This is a model “ no ” answer: Yuma says no, but instead of ending there, he softens the negative answer by stating where he would like to travel someday. This is a subtle thing that promotes friendly conversation. • Lines 4~5 : Yuma gives a short answer without any details, so Janice immediately asks him a follow up question. This is an example of making an implicit question explicit. • Line 6 : What implicit question does “ It was a school trip ” answer?

Model Sentences 1 Romaji transcript of audio track 2-16 Have you ever been abroad? Gaikoku ni itta koto ga arimasu ka? Have you ever been to Hiroshima? Hiroshima ni itta koto ga arimasu ka? Yes, I have been to Korea. Hai, Kankoku ni itta koto ga arimasu. Yes, I have been there. Hai, soko ni itta koto ga arimasu. Yes, I went to Hawaii last year. Hai, kyonen Hawaii ni ikimashita. No, I’ve never been abroad. Iie, gaikoku ni wa itta koto ga arimasen. No, I’ve never been there. Iie, soko ni wa itta koto ga arimasen .

Notes for Teachers: Unit 4 61

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