❉❉ I’d like to go to Italy someday. Saying that you would like to go somewhere hints that your potential future trip is just at the desire or idea stage, and that nothing has been planned yet. ❉❉ I’m going to go to Nagano this summer. Saying you are going to go somewhere means that you have a clear intention or plan in mind. N OTES FOR PAGE 59 Vary your questions Open form : Where would you like to go abroad? ➞ Closed form : Would you like to go abroad? Alternatives : • Would you like to go (to Hokkaido)? How about you? • Give time for students to make notes about future foreign or domestic travel ideas or plans. • Remind everyone to ask for help if needed: How do you say~ in English? This could come in handy because many students will not know how to pronounce foreign place names correctly. • If you think most of your students need help with pronouncing the names of different countries, spend some time on that as you see fit. • Model the dialog with several students. Feel free to switch up the open and closed forms of each question as you talk with your students. • Have students practice the model dialog with several classmates. Having them stand up while speaking can help them stay focused. • To liven up this activity, you could allow students to google up some images of dream destinations on their smartphones. Having photos present in the conversation helps make it more real and gives students energy.

Preview • In Part 2, the focus of travel conversation shifts to future dreams and plans. Students will primarily be using the future tense and learning some fine distinctions between various forms of it. • Things you could mention about this dialog: • Line 1 : “ Speaking of trips ” is transition expression that links this dialog to the one in Part 1. • Lines 2 : Instead of replying straight away with an answer, Yuma gives himself a bit of time to think by saying “ Oh, let’s see .” This is quite a natural thing to do given the nature of Janice’s question. • Line 3 : Janice replies with a follow-up question, making explicit an implicit question. • Lines 5 : Janice shows initiative here by answering her own question without waiting for Yuma to say “ How about you? ”

or another question. This is a good opportunity to re-emphasize the importance of taking initiative when speaking English- it shows you are interested in communicating. This sort of interest is the fuel that powers successful interactions forward.

Model Sentences 1 Romaji transcript of audio track 2-19 Where would you like to go abroad? Gaikoku no doko ni ikitai desu ka? Where would you like to go in Japan?

Nihon no doko ni ikitai desu ka? Where would you like to go next? Tsugi ni doko ni ikitai desu ka? I’d like to go to Italy someday. Itsuka Itaria ni ikitai desu.

I’m going to go to Nagano this summer. Kono natsu ni nagano ni ikutsumori desu.

Notes for Teachers: Unit 4 65

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