Vary your questions Open form : What kind of music do you like? ➞ Closed form : Do you like (rock and roll)? Alternatives : • Are you into (GENRE)? • Have you ever heard of (GENRE, GROUP, PERFORMER)? N OTES FOR PAGE 81 Sounding Natural Note: Talk about what you are interested in • Since music is such a large topic, there are numerous directions that conversations can follow. By now, students should have the ability to move a conversation by themselves, so all that is needed is a bit of guidance on where it can flow. This note provides a few such ideas. Feel free to brainstorm even more! • To help students see various possibilities, put a mind map on the board and remind everyone that they can talk about any aspect they like.
Preview • This dialog previews the main theme of part 1, which is talking about music and karaoke. This is a large topic that can go in multiple directions, so this dialog represents one possible way to begin. • Things you could mention about this dialog: • Line 1: “ So ” appears again to provide a transition from the conversation in Part 1. • Line 2 : “ I really love AKB-48 ” is an answer to what implicit question? • Line 3 : Notice how Maggie reacts to Junko’s statement, politely presents her view of AKB-48, then offers up her favorite genre. This is good form. • Line 4 : Junko picks up on Maggie’s introduction of a new topic (rap music) and the conversation heads off into a new direction. • Line 6 : In her reply, Maggie brings up the topic of karaoke, which introduces yet another possible road for the conversation to follow. What kind of music do you like? Donna ongaku ga suki desu ka? I like J-pop. J-poppu ga suki desu. I’m into J-pop. J-poppu ni hamatte imasu. I love J-pop. J-poppu ga daisuki desu. ❉❉ I like J-pop. For more musical genre vocabulary, please check the Unit 6 supplementary vocab list at cic ❉❉ I like / I’m into / I like Notice that there is more than one way to say you like something. If you mix all of these ways as you speak, your English will sound more natural. Model Sentences 1 Romaji transcript of audio track 3-1
English transcript of audio track 3-2 “What kind of music do you like?” is a good question to start off a conversation about music, but it’s only an opener. From here, your conversation can flow in a number of different directions. It’s up to you to decide which direction to take. Will you talk about current favorite artists? Musicians you used to listen to a lot? Live concerts you've been to? Or when, where, and how you usually listen to music?
Notes for Teachers: Unit 6 85
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