Model Sentences 2 Romaji transcript of audio track 3-7

Remember that “ was ” goes with singular subjects, while “ were ” goes with plural ones. Guided Speaking Practice • Play audio track #3-9 while students listen and follow along. • For low-level students, it may help to go over the substitution vocab before they begin reading. • Note that the movie titles are not exact translations- it’s common, for example, for a movie filmed outside of Japan to have a title that makes sense to the Japanese audience, and vice versa. Have students use the English titles for practice. How the titles differ can also be a topic for conversation! How about you? • Write “ How do you say~ in English? ” up on the board have have your students repeat this a few times. This will hopefully encourage them to ask you for help with coming up with opinions on recently seen films. If students ask you questions in private, take the opportunity to go over them on the board. You can be sure that each question asked will benefit everyone. • Note that this activity does not contain the usual focused speaking exercise; it has been designed as a set up for the following Speaking Time task. Speaking Time: Interview & Report • Since the students will be interviewing each other in pairs during the 1st step, you may find it helpful to go over again some basic repair strategies on the board that will help them stay in English while managing this task: • Pardon? • In the 2nd step, students will change partners and report on what their first partner said. The idea here is to make a short mini-presentation to practice making longer turns and listening actively. Modelling the short dialog with a few students will help everyone understand what to N OTES FOR PAGE 87 • Sorry, what does that mean? • How do you say ~ in English? • How do you spell ~?

What have you seen recently? Saikin nani wo mimashita ka? I saw “ ◯◯ ” on DVD. DVD de “ ◯◯ ” wo mimashita.

I haven’t seen anything recently. Saikin wa nani mo miteimasen. The last movie I saw was “ ◯◯ .” Ichiban saikin mita no wa, “ ◯◯ ” desu.

❉❉ recently While the word “ recently ” can be relative, it is usually means in the past month or two. N OTES FOR PAGE 86 Model Sentences 3 Romaji transcript of audio track 3-8 What did you think about it? Sore wo dou omoimashita ka? It was funny. Omoshirokatta desu. It was funny and the acting was great. Omoshirokatta desu. Soshite engi ga subarashikatta desu. It was funny but the special effects were terrible. Omoshirokatta desu. Demo tokushu kouka ga hidokatta desu. ❉❉ and / but Remember that “ and ” connects two ideas with a similar meaning, either positive or negative. Use “ but ” to contrast a positive point with a negative one (or vice versa). ❉❉ the acting was great / the special effects were terrible

Notes for Teachers: Unit 6 90

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