CiC4 Book1-Sample



A2 BOOK 1 Conversations in Class


Stephen Richmond Bruno Vannieu with Jerry Talandis Jr



Point 1

Are you taking any science classes?

1. Toolbox


science sports

classes subjects


this semester.

Are you taking


I’m not taking



at the moment.

B Biology 101 Volleyball

I’m taking I’m enrolled in




1 science 2 sports 3 other English 4 other foreign language 5 computer 6 literacy 7 economics 8 history

1 Biology 101 2 Volleyball 3 English Writing A


There are three ways to use the EXPRESSION section: • Let students brainstorm sentences using the Toolbox and Vocabulary boxes. • Dictate several sentences and have students write them down. “Lego” translation: give sentences in Japanese (provided in the Teacher’s Manual), and have students translate them to English. •

4 Introductory Korean 5 Basic Computer Skills 6 Academic Writing 7 Game Theory 8 History of the Edo Period

2. Expression

Write a few sentences about the subjects you are taking this semester.








Suggested timeframe for this activity (Toolbox + Expression) : 10 min.




Lesson 0 - Orientation

Aims of this lesson: ɉ to understand the format of this textbook ɉ to introduce the topic of how culture affects conYersation ɉ to break the ice between students

Suggested timeframe : • Orientation lesson: 65 min. • Lesson 1 Preview: 5 min.

3. Pair Practice


Practice with a classmate by reading the dialog EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es % and & 7Ken switch roles and do it again.


1 Me too! 2 Same here. 3 I took that last year. 4 Good luck! 5 That's a drag! 6 I hear that’s tough. 7 That’s a lot of fun. 8 Sounds interesting.

The Pair Practice activity is designed to have students spend a few active minutes learning to pass the “ball of conversation” back and forth. It is completely scaffolded, in the same way as people learning to play the piano would practice scales. But it shouldn’t be done mechanically, without thinking, as its target is for students to develop the ability to speak automatically (see Teacher’s Manual for suggestions).

Are you taking Biology 101 this semester?


Yeah, I am, actually.

Me too!


Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.

Point 2

What’s your busiest day of the week?

1. Toolbox

busiest easiest favorite



day of the week


definitely probably

Friday Wednesday


four classes my part time job A





2. Expression


$nsZer tKe IolloZinJ Tuestions ZitK \our oZn inIormation 7r\ to add details reasons or opinions 3raFtiFe tKe Tuestions and ansZers ZitK a Flassmate

1 four classes 2 one class

1. Whatȇs your busiest day of the Zeek?

3 easy classes 4 hard classes 5 a lot of classes 6 my part-time job 7 club activities


2. Whatȇs your easiest day of the Zeek?


Suggested timeframe for this activity (Toolbox + Expression) : 10 min.


Lesson 0 - Orientation


1. Variations

:Ken \ou KaYe a FonYersation in (nJlisK it sounds a little EorinJ iI \ou asN tKe same st\le oI Tuestion man\ times oYer Ζt sounds muFK more natural iI \ou ȵip EetZeen open and Flosed Iorms e J open Ȋ:Kat do \ou eat Ior EreaNIast"ȋ Flosed Ȋ'o \ou eat Eread Ior EreaNIast"ȋ Step 1: Ζn tKe Jreen Eo[es Zrite anotKer Yersion oI eaFK Tuestion open or Flosed Step 2: 3artner $ asNs 3artner % tKe Tuestions in tKe purple Eo[es and partner % JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses 7Ken sZitFK roles 3artner % asNs 3artner $ tKe Tuestions in tKe Jreen Eo[es and partner $ JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses



What language classes are you taking??


Ζs Wednesday a busy day for you?


Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.


This activity can be done quickly. Here, the sentences that need to be written in come directly from the Toolboxes of Point 1 and Point 2.

The point here is that students understand the difference between open and closed questions. We also want them to realize that another goal of this course is to help them to speak in a more “natural” way.

“Natural” actually means “more culturally appropriate”: a way that aligns with the usual cultural habits that people have when having conversations in the English-speaking world (see page 85: Golden Rule 3).

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ tKree Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

1. Are you taking any other English classes?

2. What’s your busiest day of the week?

Example Name: Keito

Yes: English Listening

Monday: 4 classes

Example Name: Maya

No, but taking Korean.

Friday: 3 classes + club activity

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.


Lesson 0 - Orientation


1. Listening

/isten to tKe dialoJ and ȴll in tKe ElanNs


Hi Terri. It’s nice you are taking this class! Are you (1) ............................... any other (nglish classes? Hi Jim. Yeah, I am also (2) ............................... in English Academic Writing. Same (3) ........................ ! Today is a very busy day for me. I have three classes, and my part-time job afterwards.




Suggested timeframe for this activity : 5 min.

That’s a (4) ........................ !

2. Dialog

Step 1: :rite \our oZn sKort dialoJ ZitK a Flassmate 8se onl\ one Tuestion as in tKe /isteninJ dialoJ aEoYe see *olden 5ule paJe Step 2: 3raFtiFe it ZitK \our partner

A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... L1 Preview Sheet: p 83 Orientation Review Sheet: p. 82 Until next class A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


Now, you can turn to page 84 and spend five minutes on the Lesson 1 Preview Sheet. If students study a few key vocabulary items before the next class, activities will run much more smoothly. Students can be motivated to prepare by the prospect of a quick written test on these items at the beginning of the next class (see Teacher’s Manual for suggestions on how to do that quickly and efficiently).

Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.


Lesson 0 - Orientation



Point 1

Where are you from?

1. Toolbox


are you





do you


go to




did you

go to


high school



B a place

Komatsu .



I live

I go

Okai University . Daiso High School .

a university called a school called


I went

2. Expression

A 1 high school

:rite a IeZ sentenFes aEout ZKere \ou Fome Irom ZKere \ou liYe noZ and ZKere \ou went to school.

2 junior high school 3 elementary school 4 kindergarten 5 university 6 cram school 1 a place 2 a town 3 a city 4 a neighborhood 5 a suburb 6 an area B












Lesson 1 - Origins

Aims of this lesson: ɉ to explain where you are from, and where you went to school in the past ɉ to confirm the location of Yarious places




3. Pair Practice

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK tKe Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es $ and % 7Ken sZitFK roles and do it aJain

A 1 Hirosaki, in Aomori 2 Jďyď in the south of .yoto 3refecture

Whereabouts are you from?

I’m from a place called Hirosaki, in Aomori.

3 Ehime Prefecture 4 Natori, near Sendai 5 Saga


I see. Where did you go to high school?

B 1 Hirosaki West High School 2 a school in Kyoto City 3 the local public school 4 high school in Sendai 5 school in a city called Kurume

I went to Hirosaki Technical High School.


Point 2

Do you know where Sakata is?

1. Toolbox

Do you know






Yamagata .

I think





I’m not sure. I don’t know.


2. Expression


Write down some sentences about the location of your hometown and the schools that you went to.

1 in 2 near 3 in the south of 4 south of 5 not far from




6 in the middle of 7 on the coast of 8 in the mountains of 9 in the suburbs of





Lesson 1 - Origins


1. Variations

Step 1: In the green boxes, write another version of each question (open or closed). Step 2: Partner A asks Partner B the questions in the red boxes. Partner B gives their own original responses. Step 3: Partner B then asks Partner A the questions in the green boxes. Partner A gives their own original responses.



Where are you from?

........................................................................................... Are you from around here?

Where do you liYe noZ?


Did you go to high school in your hometoZn?


Where do you go to uniYersity?


Are you from this area?

Yes, I'm from a suburb on the other side of the city.

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ some Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

1. Where are you from?

2. Did you go to high school there?

3. Where do you live now?

Example Name:

lives in north of Kyoto city, near Ginkaku-ji

Sara from a city called Suita, in Osaka

no → went to one in Kyoto

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 1 - Origins


1. Listening

/isten to tKe dialoJ and ȴll in tKe ElanNs

Tomoki : Hi, my name’s Tomoki. Nice to meet you. Bridget : Nice to meet you, Tomoki. I’m Bridget. Are you from (1) ............................... here? Tomoki : No, I’m actually from a city called Onomichi. Do you knoZ Zhere that is? Bridget : Ummm. Isn’t that (2) ............................... in +iroshima? Tomoki : Yeah. It’s in the (3) ............................... of Hiroshima Prefecture, near Fukuyama. Bridget : I see. Did you go to high school (4) ........................... ? Tomoki : Yeah, I did. But I moved here when I (5) .......................... university. I live not far from this campus now. Bridget : Nice. That sounds (6) ............................... .

2. Dialog

Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Step 2: Perform it in front of your teacher, another pair, or the whole class.

A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Exercises p. xxx Summary Sheet p. xxx Review


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������



Lesson 1 - Origins

Your lifestyle 2

Point 1

Do you like living here?

1. Toolbox


like enjoy

living here

Do you


I love it. it’s great. I like it a lot.


I don’t mind it it’s not bad


not much. not really.

B live with my family.

I’d prefer to I’d rather


2. Expression

A 1 living alone 2 living where you do 3 making bento 4 working part-time 5 doing club activities 6 grocery shopping 7 commuting by bus 8 exercising B 1 live at home 2 live closer to campus 3 buy my lunch 4 have more free time 5 Have my own time 6 order it online

Write a few sentences about your current lifestyle.











7 ride my bike 8 stay indoors




Lesson 2 - Your lifestyle

Aims of this lesson: ɉ xxxxx




ɉ xxxxx

3. Pair Practice

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK tKe Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es $ and % 7Ken sZitFK roles and do it again.


1 living alone 2 cooking for yourself 3 cleaning your room 4 grocery shopping 5 being close to school 6 living in an apartment

Do you live close to the campus?

Yeah, I live by myself in a little apartment nearby.

That's nice. Do you like living alone?

B 1 I’d prefer to live with friends 2 I’d rather eat my mother’s cooking 3 it can be tiresome 4 it’s sometimes a pain 5 it’s a little noisy 6 I’d like to have a garden


It’s OK I guess, but I’d rather live with friends.


Point 2


1. Toolbox




1 living alone 2 living at home 3 (the place) where you live 4 (the place) where you’re from 5 studying here 6 studying English 7 ......................................... 8 ........................................ B 1 quiet ↔ noisy 2 convenient ↔ inconvenient 3 interesting ↔ boring 4 easy ↔ diɝcult 5 relaxing ↔ stressful 6 comfortable ↔ uncomfortable 7 lonely 8 fun

living alone



you like about





very pretty really quite a bit too



It’s It can be


at times. sometimes.


2. Expression

Write a few questions and answers.







Lesson 2 - Your lifestyle


1. Variations

Step 1: In the green boxes, write another version of each question (open or closed). Step 2: Partner A asks Partner B the questions in the red boxes. Partner B gives their own original responses. Step 3: Partner B then asks Partner A the questions in the green boxes. Partner A gives their own original responses.



What subMects do you enMoy studying?

........................................................................................... Do you enjoy studying English?

+oZ do you like liYing by yourself?


Ζs there anything you donȇt like about your commute?


What do you like about liYing in the city?


Well, it’s pretty rural, but I like that it’s quiet and peaceful.

What do you like best about where you’re from?

2. Interview

Interview three classmates and make notes of their answers. Use the questions written below or their variations.

1. Do you enjoy studying English?

2. What do you like about where you live?

3. Is there anything you don't like about your city?

Example Name: Ryoga

Yes, quite a lot. But it’s challenging.

It's quiet, clean and fairly convenient.

It can be a little noisy (many tourists).

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 2 - Your lifestyle


1. Listening

/isten to tKe dialoJ and ȴll in tKe ElanNs


Youȇre from this city arenȇt you Toru?


Actually, I’m originally from Osaka. But I live in this city now, not far from the university.


Cool. +oZ do you like liYing here?


It’s pretty good. It’s peaceful, and the transport is really convenient. I like that I can feel close to nature. Oh, I agree. It’s that kind of place. Is there anything you donȇt really like about it? Well this is the first time ΖȇYe liYed alone. Ζt can be quite lonely at times. But I can have friends over almost anytime.



That’s nice. I live about an hour away, so my commute is a bit tiring, but I’m used to it now. I don’t need to commute. I can walk to campus in about twenty minutes.



2. Dialog

Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Step 2: Perform it in front of your teacher, another pair, or the whole class.

A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Exercises p. xxx Summary Sheet p. xxx Review


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������



Lesson 2 - Your lifestyle

Routines 3

Point 1

What time do you usually get up?

1. Toolbox


on weekdays on the weekend on Friday

usually normally

What time When


do you

get up

seven o'clock. nine pm. midnight. noon.

B at


always usually normally


get up

Always Usually Normally



C 1 get home 2 get to campus

D 1 at about six 2 by quarter to nine 3 around 5pm 4 at half past 12 5 before eight pm 6 no later than ten 7 ..................................

1 get up 2 go to bed 3 eat dinner 4 leave home 5 start classes 6 finish Zork 7 ..................................

1 at 2 (at) about / around 3 by 4 before 5 after 6 no later than 7 ..................................

3 start work 4 have lunch 5 take a bath 6 go to sleep 7 ..................................

2. Expression

3. Pair Practice

:rite tZo or tKree sentenFes aEout \our dail\ sFKedule and tKe times tKat \ou do Yarious aFtiYities

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ seYeral times sZitFKinJ roles eaFK time 5eplaFe tKe underlined pKrases ZitK tKe pKrases in 9oFaEular\ %o[es & and '

What time do you usually get home on weekdays ? C



Hmm. Most days at about 6.





That’s pretty early! I get home an hour later than that. C




Lesson 3 - Routines

Aims of this lesson: ɉ xxxxx Aims of this lesson: ɉ To talk about your routine- when you do certain activities, how long they take, and your daily habits




ɉ xxxxx

Point 2

How long does it take you to get to campus?

1. Toolbox


does it take you


get to campus


How long How much time


a day per day

do you spend




about almost (a little) over only up to

It takes me


get to campus.

ten minutes half an hour ninety minutes three hours


a day per day


I would spend



1 online 2 reading

5 exercising

1 get to campus

5 have a bath

6 studying English

2 get ready to leave 3 write an essay 4 prepare dinner

6 get home from work

3 listening to music 4 playing games

7 chatting with friends

7 do the laundry

8 ....................................

8 ....................................

2. Expression

3. Reactions

)ill tKe Jap in 4uestion ZitK a pKrase Irom 9oFaE %o[ % :rite \our oZn responses to tKe Tuestions

I go to bed at about 10:30.

That's really late!

I usually go to bed around midnight.

1. What time do you usually get up on Zeekends?



I'm usually asleep by 11.

That’s pretty early!


2. +oZ long does it take you to get home after class?


I spend only an hour or two online.

That’s a long time!

I'd spend up to four hours a day online.



I'm online at least twice as long as that.

3. How long do you spend ........................................ a day ?

That’s not long!




Lesson 3 - Routines


1. Variations

Step 1: In the green boxes, write another version of each question (open or closed). Step 2: Partner A asks Partner B the questions in the red boxes. Partner B gives their own original responses. Step 3: Partner B then asks Partner A the questions in the green boxes. Partner A gives their own original responses.



What time do you get up on weekdays?

Do you get up early on weekdays?

Do you usually go to bed before midnight?

How long do you spend online per day?

Does it take you long to get to campus?

Do you spend much time on social media?

No, not really. I prefer reading books. I read for about two or three hours a day.

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ some Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

1. What time do you go to bed on weeknights?

2. Does it take you long to get ready in the morning?

3. How long do you spend online per day?

Example Name: Jun

weekdays: about 3 hrs. weekends: up to 5 hrs.

usually by midnight

not really- only half an hour

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 3 - Routines


1. Listening

/isten to tKe dialoJ and ȴll in tKe ElanNs

Naomi: I'm so (1) .......................... today. I had to get up at fiYe to finish my homeZork. %ut Ζ normally get up (2) .................... seYen. +oZ about you? Stacey: I need to wake up at six to get ready. I live pretty (3) ................. away. Naomi: 5eally? +oZ long does it take you to get to campus? Stacey: Just over (4) ............... ..................... by bus. Naomi: That’s quite a (5) ................... trip. It takes me only about 15 minutes to walk here. By the way, do you usually eat lunch on campus? Stacey: Yes, I normally just grab a quick (6) ........................ in the cafeteria. +oZ about you? Naomi: Well, most days I bring a packed lunch and eat it

outside. I sometimes spend (7) ............. .............. an hour in the park. It's a nice break from class.

2. Dialog

Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Step 2: 3erIorm it in Iront oI \our teaFKer anotKer pair or tKe ZKole Flass

A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................



Summary Sheet p. xxx Exercises p. xxx

A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................



Lesson 3 - Routines

Habits 4

Point 1 1. Toolbox

How often do you eat out?


do would

How often


eat out


two three few

days. weeks. months.




About Around At least

1 eat out 2 work 3 go out with friends 4 go to cafes 5 tidy your room 6 buy magazines 7 go to the cinema 8 ...............................

once twice


day. week. month. year.

three times a few times




2. Pair Practice

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ ȴYe times sZitFKinJ roles eaFK time 5eplaFe tKe underlined pKrases ZitK tKe pKrases in 9oFaEular\ %o[es $ and %


How often do you eat out?

1 eat out 2 exercise 3 make your own lunch 4 clean your room 5 study English 6 .................................... B 1 once or twice a month 2 twice a week 3 a few times a month 4 once a month 5 once a week 6 ....................................


Hmmm. not so often. Maybe once or twice a month. You?


Me? Almost every day.

Wow! You eat out a lot.



Lesson 4 - Habits

Aims of this lesson: ɉ To talk about your habits, and explain how often you do various things. ɉ To learn to use frequency adverbs in conversation




3. Expression

:rite a IeZ sentenFes aEout KoZ oIten \ou do Yarious tKinJs




....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Point 2 Do you ever fall asleep on the train?

1. Toolbox

A 1 fall asleep on the train 2 skip breakfast 3 sleep in until noon 4 arrive late to class 5 stay up all night 6 go out at night 7 call in sick to work 8 ....................................


Do you


fall asleep on the train


all the time. quite often. sometimes. occasionally.

not (so) often. not usually. hardly ever. never.

Point 2

Do you know where Sakata is?



2. Expression

$nsZer tKe IolloZinJ Tuestions ZitK \our oZn inIormation 7r\ to add e[amples reasons and opinions 3raFtiFe tKe Tuestions and answers with your classmates.

1. +oZ often do you post something on social media?




2. Do you often eat at the school cafeteria?




3. Do you eYer go to bed before 9pm?





Lesson 4 - Habits


1. Variations

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK tKe Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es $ and % 7Ken sZitFK roles and do it aJain

What do you do to relax?



1 relax 2 stay healthy 3 have fun 4 save money 5 stay organized

Well, I sometimes go for walks around my town.


Sounds good. I should try that.

B 1 go for walks around my town 2 try to get plenty of sleep

3 go out to karaoke 4 use online coupons 5 make a lot of lists

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ tKree Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

1. How often do you do club activities?

2. Do you ever get home really late?

3. What do you do to relax?

Example Name: Ayumi

two or three times a week almost every day in summer.

yes- twice a week at about 11pm

watch YouTube, go to game centers

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 4 - Habits


1. Listening

/isten to tKe dialoJ and ȴll in tKe ElanNs

Kai : +ey (ddie. You alZays look so fit. +oZ often do you (1) .......................... ? Eddie: Not that often. Once a week, maybe. How about you? Kai : I try to do some exercise (2) .......................... three times a week. Eddie: Wow. That's impressive. Do you (3) ...................... go to the gym? Kai : Yeah, sometimes. I use the university gym maybe once or twice a month. But I prefer to exercise (4) .......................... It just feels more natural.

Eddie: I know what you mean. So, what do you (5) .......................... do to rela[? Kai : Umm. I like to listen to jazz, or go to the sauna. Eddie: I like saunas too, but I often relax by reading (6) .......................... , or watching movies online.

2. Dialog

Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Step 2: Perform it in front of your teacher, another pair, or the whole class.

A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


A: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Exercises p. xxx Summary Sheet p. xxx Review


B: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������



Lesson 4 - Habits

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