CiC4 Book1-Sample
Your lifestyle 2
Point 1
Do you like living here?
1. Toolbox
like enjoy
living here
Do you
I love it. it’s great. I like it a lot.
I don’t mind it it’s not bad
not much. not really.
B live with my family.
I’d prefer to I’d rather
2. Expression
A 1 living alone 2 living where you do 3 making bento 4 working part-time 5 doing club activities 6 grocery shopping 7 commuting by bus 8 exercising B 1 live at home 2 live closer to campus 3 buy my lunch 4 have more free time 5 Have my own time 6 order it online
Write a few sentences about your current lifestyle.
7 ride my bike 8 stay indoors
Lesson 2 - Your lifestyle
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