CiC4 Book1-Sample

Routines 3

Point 1

What time do you usually get up?

1. Toolbox


on weekdays on the weekend on Friday

usually normally

What time When


do you

get up

seven o'clock. nine pm. midnight. noon.

B at


always usually normally


get up

Always Usually Normally



C 1 get home 2 get to campus

D 1 at about six 2 by quarter to nine 3 around 5pm 4 at half past 12 5 before eight pm 6 no later than ten 7 ..................................

1 get up 2 go to bed 3 eat dinner 4 leave home 5 start classes 6 finish Zork 7 ..................................

1 at 2 (at) about / around 3 by 4 before 5 after 6 no later than 7 ..................................

3 start work 4 have lunch 5 take a bath 6 go to sleep 7 ..................................

2. Expression

3. Pair Practice

:rite tZo or tKree sentenFes aEout \our dail\ sFKedule and tKe times tKat \ou do Yarious aFtiYities

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ seYeral times sZitFKinJ roles eaFK time 5eplaFe tKe underlined pKrases ZitK tKe pKrases in 9oFaEular\ %o[es & and '

What time do you usually get home on weekdays ? C



Hmm. Most days at about 6.





That’s pretty early! I get home an hour later than that. C




Lesson 3 - Routines

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