CiC4 Book1-Sample

Aims of this lesson: ɉ To talk about your habits, and explain how often you do various things. ɉ To learn to use frequency adverbs in conversation




3. Expression

:rite a IeZ sentenFes aEout KoZ oIten \ou do Yarious tKinJs




....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Point 2 Do you ever fall asleep on the train?

1. Toolbox

A 1 fall asleep on the train 2 skip breakfast 3 sleep in until noon 4 arrive late to class 5 stay up all night 6 go out at night 7 call in sick to work 8 ....................................


Do you


fall asleep on the train


all the time. quite often. sometimes. occasionally.

not (so) often. not usually. hardly ever. never.

Point 2

Do you know where Sakata is?



2. Expression

$nsZer tKe IolloZinJ Tuestions ZitK \our oZn inIormation 7r\ to add e[amples reasons and opinions 3raFtiFe tKe Tuestions and answers with your classmates.

1. +oZ often do you post something on social media?




2. Do you often eat at the school cafeteria?




3. Do you eYer go to bed before 9pm?





Lesson 4 - Habits

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