CiC4 Book1-Sample


1. Variations

Step 1: Ζn tKe Jreen Eo[es Zrite anotKer Yersion oI eaFK Tuestion open or Flosed Step 2: 3artner $ asNs 3artner % tKe Tuestions in tKe red Eo[es . 3artner % JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses Step 3: 3artner % tKen asNs 3artner $ tKe Tuestions in tKe Jreen Eo[es 3artner $ JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses



$re you maMoring in science?

......................................................................................... What are you majoring in?

Which 3( classes are you taking?


Ζs (nglish your faYorite subMect?


What Zas your most boring subMect in high school?


What’s your most difficult subject this semester?

It’s definitely Classical Japanese. There’s a lot of reading to do, and two long exams.

Sounds tough!

2. Interview

)ill in tKe ElanNs in Tuestions and ZitK adMeFtiYes ΖnterYieZ tKree Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers

2. Are you taking any other language classes?

3. What’s your …………………… class this semester? most difficult? History of the Edo Period –› a lot to memorize

4. What was your ………………….. subject in junior high school? favorite? Music, because played piano / it was easy

1. What’s your major?

Example Name: Miki

Yes, French and Korean

Public Policy

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 5 - Your Studies

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