CiC4 Book1-Sample

Aims of this lesson: ɉ to talk about your clubs - past, present and future ɉ to explain the reasons why people choose certain clubs.




Point 2

Why did you join that club?

1. Toolbox

did you join

that club



didn’t you join haven’t you joined


a club

time. a choice. the motivation. make friends keep fit A

I don’t have I didn’t have


I want to I wanted to



… speak in public … dance … play the guitar … plan events … work with others

1 make friends 2 meet girls/boys

6 keep my free time 7 do my own thing

3 keep fit

8 learn how to…

4 gain confidence 5 focus on study

9 .............................................. 10 ..............................................

2. Expression

$nsZer tKe IolloZinJ Tuestions ZitK \our oZn inIormation 7r\ to add reasons and opinions 3raFtiFe tKe Tuestions and answers with your classmates.

1. $re you in any clubs or circles at the moment? Why or Zhy not?




2. Ζf you had the chance to Moin any club Zhich Zould you Moin? Why?




3. Were you in any clubs in Munior high school? Why did (didnȇt) you Moin?





Lesson 6 - Your Clubs

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