CiC4 Book1-Sample


1. Pair Practice

3raFtiFe ZitK a Flassmate E\ readinJ tKe dialoJ EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK tKe Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es $ and % 7Ken sZitFK roles and do it aJain

So, have you joined any clubs yet?


Yes, I joined the baseball club last month.


1 baseball club 2 drama club 3 track and field club 4 cookery circle 5 tea ceremony club B 1 a lot of practices 2 a good reputation 3 a pretty strict coach 4 a lot of fun 5 a nice atmosphere

Really? I heard that club has a lot of practices.


Yeah, absolutely.

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ tKree Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

2. Were you in any clubs in high school?

3. Why did you choose that club? (or: Why didn't you join a club?)

1. Are you in any clubs now?

Example Name: Yuki

soccer? wanted to : - make friends - stay active

Yes, soccer club for two years

no- not enough time

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 6 - Your Clubs

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