CiC4 Book1-Sample

Aims of this lesson: ɉ to understand the format of this textbook ɉ to introduce the topic of how culture affects conYersation ɉ to break the ice between students

Suggested timeframe : • Orientation lesson: 65 min. • Lesson 1 Preview: 5 min.

3. Pair Practice


Practice with a classmate by reading the dialog EeloZ ȴYe times replaFinJ tKe underlined Zords ZitK Zords in YoFaEular\ Eo[es % and & 7Ken switch roles and do it again.


1 Me too! 2 Same here. 3 I took that last year. 4 Good luck! 5 That's a drag! 6 I hear that’s tough. 7 That’s a lot of fun. 8 Sounds interesting.

The Pair Practice activity is designed to have students spend a few active minutes learning to pass the “ball of conversation” back and forth. It is completely scaffolded, in the same way as people learning to play the piano would practice scales. But it shouldn’t be done mechanically, without thinking, as its target is for students to develop the ability to speak automatically (see Teacher’s Manual for suggestions).

Are you taking Biology 101 this semester?


Yeah, I am, actually.

Me too!


Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.

Point 2

What’s your busiest day of the week?

1. Toolbox

busiest easiest favorite



day of the week


definitely probably

Friday Wednesday


four classes my part time job A





2. Expression


$nsZer tKe IolloZinJ Tuestions ZitK \our oZn inIormation 7r\ to add details reasons or opinions 3raFtiFe tKe Tuestions and ansZers ZitK a Flassmate

1 four classes 2 one class

1. Whatȇs your busiest day of the Zeek?

3 easy classes 4 hard classes 5 a lot of classes 6 my part-time job 7 club activities


2. Whatȇs your easiest day of the Zeek?


Suggested timeframe for this activity (Toolbox + Expression) : 10 min.


Lesson 0 - Orientation

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