CiC4 Book1-Sample


1. Variations

:Ken \ou KaYe a FonYersation in (nJlisK it sounds a little EorinJ iI \ou asN tKe same st\le oI Tuestion man\ times oYer Ζt sounds muFK more natural iI \ou ȵip EetZeen open and Flosed Iorms e J open Ȋ:Kat do \ou eat Ior EreaNIast"ȋ Flosed Ȋ'o \ou eat Eread Ior EreaNIast"ȋ Step 1: Ζn tKe Jreen Eo[es Zrite anotKer Yersion oI eaFK Tuestion open or Flosed Step 2: 3artner $ asNs 3artner % tKe Tuestions in tKe purple Eo[es and partner % JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses 7Ken sZitFK roles 3artner % asNs 3artner $ tKe Tuestions in tKe Jreen Eo[es and partner $ JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses



What language classes are you taking??


Ζs Wednesday a busy day for you?


Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.


This activity can be done quickly. Here, the sentences that need to be written in come directly from the Toolboxes of Point 1 and Point 2.

The point here is that students understand the difference between open and closed questions. We also want them to realize that another goal of this course is to help them to speak in a more “natural” way.

“Natural” actually means “more culturally appropriate”: a way that aligns with the usual cultural habits that people have when having conversations in the English-speaking world (see page 85: Golden Rule 3).

2. Interview

ΖnterYieZ tKree Flassmates and maNe notes oI tKeir ansZers 8se tKe Tuestions Zritten EeloZ or tKeir Yariations

1. Are you taking any other English classes?

2. What’s your busiest day of the week?

Example Name: Keito

Yes: English Listening

Monday: 4 classes

Example Name: Maya

No, but taking Korean.

Friday: 3 classes + club activity

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Suggested timeframe for this activity : 10 min.


Lesson 0 - Orientation

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