CiC4 Book2-Sample
1. Variations
Step 1: Ζn tKe Jreen Eo[es Zrite anotKer Yersion oI eaFK Tuestion open or Flosed Step 2: 3artner $ asNs 3artner % tKe Tuestions in tKe red Eo[es and partner % JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses 7Ken sZitFK roles 3artner % asNs 3artner $ tKe Tuestions in tKe Jreen Eo[es and partner $ JiYes tKeir oZn oriJinal responses
$re you interested in folk music?
1. ......................................................................................
:hat kind of Yideo games are you into?
2. ....................................................................................
$re you a fan of the %eatles?
3. ......................................................................................
:hoȇs your faYorite actor?
4. ....................................................................................
What kind of video games are you into?
2. Interview
Interview three classmates and make notes of their answers. Use the questions written below or their variations.
1. What kind of movies are you into these days?
3. Who's your favorite music group?
2. Do you read many comics?
Example Name: Ryu
used to read sports manga in HS, now sometimes reads horror/fantasy
really likes action movies, documentaries
loves GTL- likes their songs and talented dancers
Partner 1 Name:
Partner 2 Name:
Partner 3 Name:
Lesson 3 - Entertainment
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