CiC4 Excerpt

REVIEW Summary Sheet

Your Studies 5

Quick Tests

After the lesson : REVIEW

To motivate students to memorize key vocabulary in advance and review key sentence patterns, teachers can give a quick written test at the beginning of each class. For example, after finishing Lesson 2, the teacher can an nounce, “Next week, you’ll be tested on the review of today’s lesson, and on the preview of Lesson 3”. The fact that the essential contents are gathered in one page makes it easy for stu dents to preview and review content. The fact that there is a limited number of items to learn or review makes it a good deal for students, who can see the benefit of spen ding a few minutes outside of class in order to easily gain a few points. This perspective is consistent with the Immediate Method’s view that regular, in-class tests can be useful tools to motivate students and direct their lear ning, provided they are valid, reliable and practical.

Now, let’s review the core points of the lesson. Try to use them when you speak, and little by little your conversations will become longer, richer and more natural.

I am a QR code

I am a QR code




Point 1: Toolbox

1. What are you majoring in? ............................................................................................................................................. 2. What are you studying at this university? ...................................................................................................................... 3. I’m majoring in business. ............................................................................................................................................... 4. I’m studying business. .................................................................................................................................................... 5. What subjects are you taking ? ...................................................................................................................................... 6. What subjects are you taking now? ............................................................................................................................... 7. What classes are you taking this semester? .................................................................................................................. 8. I’m taking Basic Accounting and Career Studies. ..........................................................................................................


Point 2: Toolbox

9. What is your favorite subject at the moment? ..............................................................................................................

10. What is your favorite class this semester? .................................................................................................................... 11. It’s definitely English Conversation. ............................................................................................................................... 12. It’s probably English Conversation. ................................................................................................................................ 13. What was your favorite subject in high school? ............................................................................................................ 14. What was your favorite subject in elementary school? ................................................................................................ 15. It was maybe English Conversation. ..............................................................................................................................

I'm majoring in business.

Great! What subjects are you taking for that?

I'm taking classes like Basic Accounting and Financial Analysis.


Lesson 5 - Your Studies


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