Conversations in Class A2_book1
Conversations in Class A2_book1
in Class A2 BOOK 1
Stephen Richmond Bruno Vannieu with Jerry Talandis Jr and Saki Ishii
in Class
A conversation textbook for Japanese students
Stephen Richmond
Bruno Vannieu
Saki Ishii
Jerry Talandis Jr.
Sounding Natural
Lesson Summary
Golden Rules
0 Orientation
Are you taking any science classes? What’s your busiest day of the week?
87 88 89
Give longer answers
Vary your questions
Where are you from? / Where do you live? Where did you go to high school? Do you know where Sakata is?
Don’t always wait for a question When asked a question, don't remain silent
Do you live alone? Do you come here by train? Do you cook for yourself?
Your Lifestyle
What time do you usually get up? How long does it take you to get to campus? How much time do you spend online a day?
Echo questions
How often do you eat out? Do you ever fall asleep on the train? What do you do to relax?
Expressing uncertainty
Getting time to think
5 Your Studies
What are you majoring in? What subjects are you taking now? What was your favorite class in high school?
Asking for repetition
Saying you don't understand Asking how to say something
Are you in any clubs now? Were you a member of any clubs in high school? Why did you choose that club?
10. Asking for details
11. Transitions
7 Part-time Jobs
Do you have a part-time job? Would you like to have one? What is it like working in a cram school?
12. Disagreeing
13. Agreeing
14. Asking for clarification
What kind of job would you like to do in the future? What field would you like to work in? What is important for you in a job?
15. Giving general answers
Future Jobs
16. Continuing after a "No" answer
9 Your Money
17. Making longer answers
What kinds of things do you spend your money on? What do you save your money for? How much do you spend on clothes a month?
18. Don’t over-praise, or be over-humble
19. Asking personal questions
10 Going Out
What do you like to do when you go out? What’s your favorite store to buy clothes? Do you prefer shopping in stores or online?
20. Don’t say “play with friends”
21. Eye contact and smile tips
Do you play any sports / instruments? Do you have any hobbies? How long have you been playing the piano?
22. Don’t wait for aizuchi
23. Talking about hobbies
12 Time Off
What have you been doing recently? Do you have any plans for this weekend? What are your plans for the summer holidays?
How to Use this Book
1 - Before class: Preview core vocabulary
5 - Do a simple listening exercise
Your Studies 5
Before the lesson : PREVIEW
Here are the key vocabulary points for next week’s lesson. Your teacher will tell you which ones to learn. Memorize them in advance, and the lesson will be easier for you.
1. Listening
1. definitely ................................................................. 2. probably .................................................................. 3. maybe .....................................................................
/isten to the GialoJ anG ȴll in the blanks.
2. Dialog ,6i: I would love to but my long commute makes it difficult for me to (2) ............................... the time. ,n,: Oh, I see. Were you part of any clubs in high school? ,6i: )eah. I was in the tennis club for three years. I was even the (3) ............................... in my last year. ,n,: Wow. That's impressive! Did you enjoy leading the team? ,6i: )es it was great. I learned a lot and made some good friends (4) ............................... the club. ,n,: %hat s wonderful.I just joined the (5) ......................... circle here the other day. It s a lot of fun. ,6i: %hat sounds (6) .......................... Why did you choose that one? Jana: Hey, have you thought about (1) ............................... any clubs? Maki: I would love to, but I don’t have time. I live far from here and I (2) ............................... a lot of time commuting. Jana: Oh, I see. Were you in any clubs in high school? Maki: Yeah. I was in the tennis club for three years. I was even the (3) ............................... in my last year. Jana: Wow. That's impressive! Did you enjoy it? Maki: Yes, it was (4) ............................... . I learned a lot. Jana: That's wonderful. I just joined the dance circle here. It's a lot of fun. Maki: Oh yeah? That sounds (5) ......................... ! Why did you choose that one? Jana: I guess I wanted to meet some new (6) .......................... . /LVWHQ WR WKH GLDORJ DQG ȴOO LQ WKH EODQNV on 4. to study ~ ................................................................ 5. to major in ~ ........................................................... 6. to take a class / to take a subject ........................... 5-12 your ~ subject What’s your favorite subject at the moment? 7. favorite .................................................................... 8. most difficult ........................................................... 9. easiest ..................................................................... 10. most interesting ..................................................... 11. most boring ............................................................ 12. best ......................................................................... It’s definitely World History. The teacher is strict but the content is very interesting. 5-13 The content is (was) ~ 13. challenging .............................................................. 14. useful ...................................................................... 15. difficult .................................................................... 16. dry ........................................................................... 5-14 5-16 Our teacher is (was) ~ There are (were) a lot of ~ 17. strict ........................................................................ 18. patient ..................................................................... 19. funny ....................................................................... 23. things to remember ............................................... 24. tests ......................................................................... 5-17 I’m (not) good at ~ Sounding Natural 5-15 There is (was) a lot of ~ 25. writing ..................................................................... 26. languages ................................................................ 27. drawing ................................................................... 28. sports ...................................................................... 20. homework ............................................................... 21. reading .................................................................... 22. variety ..................................................................... • Golden Rule 1: Give longer answers by adding extra pieces of information (see p. 87) • Strategy 4: Reacting (see p. 91) 70 Lesson 5 - Your Studies IN CLASS: Going Out 10 Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Make sure to integrate the Golden Rules and at least one of the Strategies outlined in the Sounding Natural section at the end of this textbook. Step 2: Perform your dialog in front of your teacher, another pair, or the whole class. 2 - Explore some basic questions and answers A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Point 1 What’s your favorite place to buy clothes? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 - Write and perform a dialog in pairs B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ,n,: I guess I wanted to make some new friends. And I used to dance when I was a kid so I thought it would be nice to get back (7) ....................... it. 1. Toolbox 10-01 A buy clothes buy stationery place store café restaurant A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. your favorite a good What's ? to hang out with friends have lunch near here ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Soundin. (tur(l i(lo. B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Step 2: 3HUIRUP LW LQ IURQW RI \RXU WHDFKHU DQRWKHU SDLU RU WKH ZKROH FODVV A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Hello, Yamato. How are you? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. When someone learns a foreign language it is sometimes difficult for them to be friendly or natural, even if their vocabulary and grammar are sound. Why is this? Not bad, thanks. I'm just going to get lunch. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Review + Preview ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Oh yeah? Where do you usually buy your lunch? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Most days I buy something at the combini, but when I have time I eat in the cafeteria. I'm the same. I don't have much time today, so I think I'll just get some rice balls and tea. Sounds good. I might join you. L7 Preview Sheet p.74 L6 Review Sheet p.73 B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... A: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... B: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. One reason is that we unconsciously follow the commu nication style of our native culture. Cultural habits are deeply ingrained because culture is unconscious it is just what we have learnt as Ythe proper wayZ as we grew up. While this is normal it can lead to communication pro blems. An important part of successfully communicating in another language is learning how the communication codes" in your native language are different from the YcodesZ in the language you are learning and how to over come these differences when you speak. One of the aims of this textbook is to help you manage these differences by practicing what we call the four ”Gol den RulesZ of natural English conversation. %he olden Rules are simple and practical solutions for overcoming the culturally-based differences between English and apanese speaking styles. ollowing these simple rules will dramatically improve your English conversation skills. )ou will need to practice many times to be able to follow these olden Rules without having to think about them. It s like emergency training If you don t practice the basic survival drills beforehand chances are that you won t be e "% e 1: &e e" #'e"# ) e " t' e(t" p e e# " t able to react B really quite pretty It's cheap. I love I like I recommend Aeon Mall . C It has a wide range of products. → Review this p. 81 B C 1 a wide range of products 2 reasonable prices 3 good customer service 10-04 10-03 A 10-02 1 cheap 2 affordable 3 convenient 4 delicious 5 popular 6 authentic 7 high-quality 8 stylish 1 buy clothes 2 buy stationery 35 3 hang out with friends 4 have lunch near here 5 get a coffee 6 look for homewares 7 have Indian food 8 ....................................... 4 a friendly staff 5 a varied menu 6 some unique items 7 a nice atmosphere 8 ....................................... 3. Expression Write some questions and answers about places you recommend. Give reasons for your answers. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 - Practice a short dialog with a partner ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 esson 6 )our Clubs Soun Interview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... olden Rule iA0 lon20= ,n>B0=> bD ,//in2 0xt=, ;i0.0> o1 in1o=8,tion ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Str(te.ies 1. One More Question ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-08 In apanese culture people often give short answers to We can see here that Sarah is surprised by en’s very short answer. She feels that en doesn’t really want to speak with her. ow long and how deep your answers are depends on your native language and culture. In apanese conver sation, replying with just “No” (as Ken did) would be fine as a first step. It is common to give very short answers, especially when talking to a senpai or in the presence of a group such as in a classroom. In these situations people understand that giving short answers may mean that you want to show respect or that you are being modest and therefore that you want to let the other person lead the conversation. 1 - ";0nin2> Practice with a classmate by reading the dialog several times, switching roles each time. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... - $0,.tin2 48 Lesson 10 - Going Out 4-09 A What do you do to relax? A 1 relax 2 stay healthy 3 have fun 4 save money 5 stay organized 6 .................................... T,60 , loo6 ,t t3i> 0x,8;l0: *o@ B,nt to show interest says. *o@ B,nt to start a conversation in an open friendly way. Well, I go for walks around neighborhood. o you haBe a $o B *o@ .,n >,D: n0@t=,l *o@ .,n >,D: ( ello. ( Ʒǯ ( +H\ Sounds good. I should try that. Inter ( 2K UHDOO\" ( 2K \HDK" ( ) see. =0,.tin2 to >o80t3in2 ;o>itiA0 ( 6RXQGV IXQ ( :RZ ( *UHDW ( ool. ( B 1 go for walks around my neighborhood 2 try to get plenty of sleep 4-10 ne ore !uestion ( :KDW V XS" ( +RZ DUH \RX" ( +RZ V LW JRLQJ" ( /RQJ WLPH QR VHH 3UDFWLFH ZLWK D FODVVPDWH E\ UHDGLQJ WKH GLDORJ EHORZ ȴYH WLPHV UHSODFLQJ WKH XQGHUOLQHG ZRUGV ZLWK WKH ZRUGV LQ YRFDEXODU\ o$es and . hen switch roles and do it again. 7 Golden rule 3 go out to karaoke 4 use online coupons 5 make do-to lists 6 .................................... What do you do to relaD? Remember that the translations of yoroshiku onegai shimasu are not used to start a conversation in Engli sh. 1 relaC 2 stay healthy have fun save money 5 stay organiEed Well I sometimes go for Calks around my toCn. 2. Interview Interview some classmates and make notes of their answers. Use the questions written below or their variations. (ounds good. I should try that. 2 - lo>in2 1. How often do you do club activities? 2. Do you ever get home really late? 1 go for walks around my town 2 try to get plenty of sleep go out to karaoke 3. What do you do to relax? *o@ B,nt to close a conversation respectfully Example Name: Ayumi two or three times a week, almost every day in summer. 4 - Interview some classmates yes- twice a week at about 11pm *o@ .,n >,D: 7 - After class: Review key structures watch YouTube, go to game centers use online coupons 5 make a lot of lists ( ice tal ing with you. ( 2K ORRN DW WKH WLPH ( *RWWD UXQ Partner 1 Name: Your Studies 5 After the lesson : REVIEW Inter A8DIO ( )t was great tal ing to you. ( ee you later. ( %\H T5ANSLATIONS I am a QR code I am a QR code 5-10 1RZ OHWȇV UHYLHZ WKH FRUH SRLQWV RI WKH OHVVRQ 7U\ WR XVH WKHP ZKHQ \RX VSHDN DQG OLWWOH E\ OLWWOH \RXU FRQYHUVDWLRQV ZLOO EHFRPH ORQJHU ULFKHU DQG PRUH QDWXUDO Partner 2 Name: ΖQWHUYLHZ WKUHH FODVVPDWHV DQG PDNH QRWHV RI WKHLU DQVZHUV 8VH WKH TXHVWLRQV ZULWWHQ EHORZ RU WKHLU YDULDWLRQV Point 1: Toolbox 1. What are you majoring in? ............................................................................................................................................. 2. What are you studying at this university? ...................................................................................................................... 3. I’m majoring in business. ............................................................................................................................................... 4. I’m studying business. .................................................................................................................................................... 5. What subjects are you taking ? ...................................................................................................................................... 6. What subjects are you taking now? ............................................................................................................................... 7. What classes are you taking this semester? .................................................................................................................. 8. I’m taking Basic Accounting and Career Studies. .......................................................................................................... 1 oB o1t0n /o Do@ /o .l@b ,.tiAiti0> 2 o Do@ 0A0= 20t 3o80 =0,llD l,t0 )3,t /o Do@ /o to =0l,x Partner 3 Name: x,8;l0 Name: Ayumi - .3o <@0>tion> tCo or three times a Ceek almost eBery day in summer. yes tCice a Ceek at about Catch ,ou)ube go to game centers *o@ B,nt to give yourself time to think. P,=tn0= 1 Name: 5-11 Point 2: Toolbox *o@ .,n repeat part of what you hear with a rising into nation. 9. What is your favorite subject at the moment? .............................................................................................................. 10. What is your favorite class this semester? .................................................................................................................... 11. It’s definitely English Conversation. ............................................................................................................................... 12. It’s probably English Conversation. ................................................................................................................................ 13. What was your favorite subject in high school? ............................................................................................................ 14. What was your favorite subject in elementary school? ................................................................................................ 15. It was maybe English Conversation. .............................................................................................................................. 26 Lesson 4 - Habits P,=tn0= 2 Name: x,8;l0: $ :KDW LV \RXU IDYRULWH VHDVRQ" % 0\ IDYRULWH VHDVRQ" +PP Ζ WKLQN LWȇV 6SULQJ Remember to match your intona I'm majoring in business. so that your reactions ring true. Great! What subjects are you taking for that? P,=tn0= Name: I'm taking classes like Basic Accounting and Financial Analysis. 2 esson 4 abits 71 Lesson 5 - Your Studies 5 Introduction To Students To Teachers Welcome to the latest edition TRANSLATION OF THIS TEXT Learning to express yourself Until now, most of your language learning has been focused on comprehension : understanding content in English. With this textbook, you'll learn to express your self in real-time English conversation. This may be a little scary for you if you have never had a conversation in English. But don't worry. Each lesson contains steps that will help you to practice having simple, meaningful conversations. If you follow these steps, you will surely succeed. All you need to do is: • Participate actively in class. Pair activities are fun, because you can exchange ideas with your classmates. But they are designed to help you remember English naturally, so you should pay close attention to the structure, sound and meaning of what you are saying. • Make it a habit to do some study outside of class time. You can listen to audio tracks and use Sum mary Sheets to preview basic vocabulary before class, and review key structures afterwards. 2006 2009 2015 2024 2024 Conversations in Class A2 is the latest edition of Conversa tions in Class , following the first (2006), second (2009), and third (2015) editions. Why was a fourth edition created? • There is increasing demand for a textbook that would fit one-semester courses. This edition consists of Book 1 and Book 2, each with 12 lessons and one Orientation lesson for the first class. If you add two classes for a mid-term exam and an end-of term exam, the content will fill a standard 15-class university semester. • Previous editions of this textbook have included Japanese translations, but in Conversations in Class A2 they are optional. In our opinion, providing trans lations to low-intermediate learners allows them to progress more quickly into meaningful speaking practice. However, some institutions forbid the use of L1 in class, and some teachers prefer to avoid it. In this edition, all Japanese translations are provi ded online, protected by a password. Teachers can choose whether or not to share that password with their students. → Please note that Conversations in Class Third Edi tion (CiC3) remains in circulation. It is different from this textbook in that it is a one-year textbook, with Japanese translations printed inside the book. • We have never stopped experimenting, tweaking what has made our success since the beginning: visual presentation of daily life conversation topics, scaffolded activities, and cultural advice. This edition incorporates our latest advances in how to present content and scaffold speaking activities. In particular, an important new feature is the Summary Sheets , which present the content of each lesson in a way that makes it easy for students to learn important vocabulary before class, and to review the key struc tures afterwards. When students have learnt voca bulary beforehand, in-class speaking activities and acquisition of the content flows much more smoothly. Systematic review ensures that students can consoli date their skills, and improve their fluency. Your Studies 5 Your Studies 5 After the lesson : REVIEW Before the lesson : PREVIEW 1RZ OHWȇV UHYLHZ WKH FRUH SRLQWV RI WKH OHVVRQ 7U\ WR XVH WKHP ZKHQ \RX VSHDN DQG OLWWOH E\ OLWWOH \RXU FRQYHUVDWLRQV ZLOO EHFRPH ORQJHU ULFKHU DQG PRUH QDWXUDO Here are the key vocabulary points for next week’s lesson. Your teacher will tell you which ones to learn. Memorize them in advance, and the lesson will be easier for you. I am a QR code I am a QR code I am a 45 code I am a 45 code A8DIO T5ANSLATIONS AUDIO TRANSLATIONS 5-02 5-10 Point 1: Toolbox 1. definitely ................................................................. 2. probably .................................................................. 3. maybe ..................................................................... 1. What are you majoring in? ............................................................................................................................................. 2. What are you studying at this university? ...................................................................................................................... 3. I’m majoring in business. ............................................................................................................................................... 4. I’m studying business. .................................................................................................................................................... 5. What subjects are you taking ? ...................................................................................................................................... 6. What subjects are you taking now? ............................................................................................................................... 7. What classes are you taking this semester? .................................................................................................................. 8. I’m taking Basic Accounting and Career Studies. .......................................................................................................... 5-03 4. to study a ................................................................ 5. to major in a ........................................................... 6. to take a class to take a subject ........................... 5-04 your ~ subject What’s your favorite subject at the moment? 5-11 Point 2: Toolbox 7. favorite .................................................................... 8. most difficult ........................................................... 9. easiest ..................................................................... 10. most interesting ..................................................... 11. most boring ............................................................ 12. best ......................................................................... 9. What is your favorite subject at the moment? .............................................................................................................. It’s definitely World History. The teacher is strict but the content is very interesting. 10. What is your favorite class this semester? .................................................................................................................... 11. It’s definitely English Conversation. ............................................................................................................................... 12. It’s probably English Conversation. ................................................................................................................................ 13. What was your favorite subject in high school? ............................................................................................................ 14. What was your favorite subject in elementary school? ................................................................................................ 15. It was maybe English Conversation. .............................................................................................................................. 5-05 The content is (was) ~ 13. challenging .............................................................. 14. useful ...................................................................... 15. difficult .................................................................... 16. dry ........................................................................... I'm majoring in business. Great! What subjects are you taking for that? 5-06 5-08 Our teacher is (was) ~ There are (were) a lot of ~ 17. strict ........................................................................ 18. patient ..................................................................... 19. funny ....................................................................... 23. things to remember ............................................... 24. tests ......................................................................... I'm taking classes like Basic Accounting and Financial Analysis. 5-09 I’m (not) good at ~ 5-07 There is (was) a lot of ~ 25. writing ..................................................................... 26. languages ................................................................ 27. drawing ................................................................... 28. sports ...................................................................... 20. homework ............................................................... 21. reading .................................................................... 22. variety ..................................................................... 70 71 Lesson 5 - Your Studies Lesson 5 - Your Studies Learning to speak naturally Making conversation is a cultural activity. To sound friendly and interesting when you speak English, you need to understand and follow the basic cultural “rules” of English-speaking culture. In this textbook, you'll find practical advice that you'll need to incorporate into your speaking practice. To speak fluently, you'll need to practice these strategies many times, in the same way a judoka practices kata until they are natural reactions. Personalize your textbook Your textbook is designed for you to write in. Bring it to every class, and fill it with notes about you and your lifestyle. Personalize it, decorate it, make it unique! 6 Introduction Testing as a way to motivate and guide students have basic but authentic conversations on topics of their daily lives. Class activities have evolved across the four editions with the simple aim of making them ever sim pler and more effective. The role of testing can be a contentious issue. But we encourage you to test your students in class, as early as possible and on as many aspects of the target language as possible. When done consistently and correctly, conversation testing is extremely effective in language classrooms in Japan. This is because in this culture, the pressures that inhibit speaking in class come largely from the group. Although it might seem like a paradox, being assessed and graded individually is actually libera ting for many students. Conversations: real-time and scripted There are two basic ways of getting students to produce conversations in class: • Get them to prepare and perform a written conversation This gives students more time to think and the possi bility to make longer, richer sentences and to create conversations that flow well. It also gives them time to think about cultural codes and to actually incorpo rate them into their dialogs. • Have them conduct unscripted, real-time conver sations Students are pleasantly surprised when they realize that a little focussed practice can allow them to have an actual exchange in English, and get them a little reward in the form of a mark. Depending on the size and level of the class, it is possible to use both of these approaches, most effectively with written conversations done before real-time ones. On the Conversation in Class A2 Teacher’s Website you will find resources to make your life easier: • Digital versions of the textbook, to project in the classroom or in online classes • Teaching advice for each lesson and topic • Answers to the Listening and Variations exercises, and example sentences for the Expression sections • Audio tracks (also available on the Student Website) • Japanese translations of textbook content (also avai lable on the Student Website, on password-protected pages) Online content TEACHER TRAINING COURSE Teaching Speaking Skills in Japanese Classrooms &ertificates Content Advanced &ertificate To receive this certificate you must: • Participate in all four 90-minute Zoom workshops • Prepare with 30 minutes of reading before each workshop • Complete a simple task after each workshop • Write a two-page report based on the post-workshop tasks %asic &ertificate To receive this certificate you must: • Participate in all four 90-minute Zoom workshops • Prepare with 30 minutes of reading before each workshop • Complete a simple task after each workshop 5000 yen (tax included) You will learn how to : • Get all students talking • Easily manage pair work • Motivate students by giving them a sense of responsibility • Continuously and easily assess your students • Lighten your workload %asic certificate John Smith Teaching Speaking Skills in Japanese Classrooms 15,000 yen (tax included) Advanced certificate John Smith Teaching Speaking Skills in Japanese Classrooms Schedule Registration The workshops will be conducted online on Friday evenings (19:30-21:00). Workshop 1 A Magic Wand for the EFL teacher in Japan February 2nd, 2024 Workshop 2 How to test spoken responses in a speaking class February 16th, 2024 Workshop 3 How to test and evaluate a conversation March 8th, 2024 Workshop 4 How to get students to study between classes March 22nd, 2024 Trainers Stephen Richmond Bukkyo University lecturer Bruno Vannieu Six-time Kobe University Best Teacher Award recipient Author of Teaching Speaking Skills in Japan (Enseigner l’oral au Japon) Co-author of Conversations in Class and Over the Wall of Silence - How to overcome cultural barriers when teaching communication in Japan Thank you so much for your patience in preparing the necessary videos and materials! It has been a great help in preparing my courses for the coming year. Well-designed training materials, numerous videos, dynamic and practical Zoom sessions- in short, it was great! Thank you so much! This training course has enabled me to take stock of my past and present teaching. I came to understand how I could help students pro gress through regular testing without creating stress, boredom or extra pressure. I enjoyed the group discussions, discovering new techniques and seeing how they relate to students. Izumi Mizuno Doshisha Joshi University Benedicte Mehl Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya High school Julien Bogaers Osaka University Chloe Bellec Tohoku University This approach has been tried and tested in foreign language classrooms in Japan for over twenty years. It’s called the "Immediate Method" (IM for short), even though it is more of a classroom framework than a method per se. The IM suggests that regularly testing students during class helps to motivate and guide their learning. With judicious use of tests and clear goals, it’s possible to create a positive classroom dynamic, regardless of the initial motivation and size of the class. We now offer an Immediate Method Certification Tea cher Training Course, in which we share practical proce dures on how to: • test on the fly during class, thanks to a simple tool called the Progress Sheet; • conduct tests that are fair, that have a positive wash back effect, and that are simple and economical to carry out. • save your energy for what really makes a difference. Tests can be used to motivate students to learn basic vocabulary ahead of class, to review after class, but also to do pair speaking practice seriously. They can provide formative assessment aligned with the target of every class: having conversations. Of course not. Although we believe the IM is a very effective way of ensuring good classroom dynamics, this textbook works with a wide range of approaches, since it was created around a simple goal: helping students to Do I need to practice the Immediate Method to use this textbook? 7 0 Suggested time frame: • Orientation lesson: 70 mins. • Lesson 1 Preview: 5 mins. Orientation Point 1 Are you taking any science classes? 1. Toolbox 0-01 A science sports classes subjects any this semester Are you taking ? I’m not taking No, any at the moment. B Biology 101 Volleyball I’m taking I’m enrolled in Yes, → Review this p. 1 0-02 0-03 A B TO TEACHERS The purpose of the Expression section is to make sure students have understood the content of the Toolbox. There are three ways you can use this section: • Let students brainstorm sentences using the Toolbox and Vocabulary boxes. • Dictate several example sentences and have students write them down. • Give sentences in Japanese (provided in the Teacher’s Manual), and have students translate them to English. We call this procedure “lego translation” because in contrast with the traditional Grammar Translation method we ask students to put together little “bricks of language” to form meaningful sentences. The idea is to make sure that students understand the content well enough to use it to express themselves during the upcoming class activities. 1 science 2 sports 3 other English 4 other foreign language 5 computer 6 literacy 7 economics 8 history 9 ............................................. 1 Biology 101 2 Volleyball 3 English Writing A 4 Introductory Korean 5 Basic Computer Skills 6 Academic Writing 7 Game Theory 8 History of the Edo Period 9 ............................................. Subjects 2. Expression Write a few sentences about the subjects you are taking this semester. .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Suggested time frame for this activity (Toolbox + Expression): 10 mins. 8 Lesson 0 - Orientation Aims of this lesson: to understand the format of this textbook to introduce the topic of how culture affects conversation to break the ice between students TRANSLATIONS AUDIO AND AUDIO FOR TEACHERS 3. Pair Practice C 0-05 Practice with a classmate by reading the dialog below several times, switching roles each time. Replace the highlighted phrases with the phrases in Vocabulary Boxes B and C. TO TEACHERS 1 Me too! 2 Same here. 3 I took that last year. 4 Good luck! 5 That one's a drag! 6 I hear that’s tough. 7 That one's a lot of fun. 8 Sounds interesting. The Pair Practice activity is designed to have students spend a few active minutes learning to pass the “ball of conversation” back and forth. It is completely scaffolded, and used in the same way as people learning to play the piano would practice scales. But this shouldn’t be done robo tically as the goal is for students to develop the ability to speak in real time (see Teacher’s Manual for suggestions). 0-04 Are you taking Biology 101 this semester? B Yeah, I am, actually. Me too! C Suggested time frame for this activity: 10 mins. Point 2 What’s your busiest day of the week? 0-06 1. Toolbox busiest easiest favorite What's your day of the week ? Friday. Wednesday. definitely probably It’s A four classes one class my part time job and have I only → Review this p. 1 2. Expression 0-07 A Answer the following questions with your own information. Try to add details, reasons or opinions. Practice the questions and answers with a classmate. 1 four classes 2 one class 3 my part-time job 4 hard classes 5 a lot of classes 1. What’s your busiest day of the week? ................................................................................................................................... 2. What’s your easiest day of the week? 6 easy classes 7 club activities 8 ............................................. ................................................................................................................................... Suggested time frame for this activity (Toolbox + Expression): 10 mins. 9 Lesson 0 - Orientation
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