Conversations in Class A2_book1


1. One More Question


Practice with a classmate by reading the dialog several times, switching roles each time.



What do you do to relax?


1 relax 2 stay healthy 3 have fun 4 save money 5 stay organized 6 ....................................

Well, I go for walks around my neighborhood.


Sounds good. I should try that.

B 1 go for walks around my neighborhood 2 try to get plenty of sleep 4-10

3 go out to karaoke 4 use online coupons 5 make do-to lists 6 ....................................

2. Interview

Interview some classmates and make notes of their answers. Use the questions written below or their variations.

1. How often do you do club activities?

2. Do you ever get home really late?

3. What do you do to relax?

Example Name: Ayumi

- two or three times a week - almost every day in summer.

yes- twice a week at about 11pm

watch YouTube, go to game centers

Partner 1 Name:

Partner 2 Name:

Partner 3 Name:


Lesson 4 - Habits

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