Conversations in Class A2_book1


9- 11

1. Listening

/isten to the GialoJ anG ȴll in the blanks.


You work at a cram school, right, Takato? Is it (1) ............................... ?

Takato: Yes. I make 1500 yen an hour. Jake: Wow, that’s (2) ........................ good pay! Takato: Yes. But there is a lot of unpaid preparation. Jake: I see. What do you (3) ...................... spend your money on? Takato: I still live at home, so I don’t spend anything on rent, and not much on food. I guess I spend (4) ........................ of my money on clothes, and going out. Lucky you! How much do you spend on clothes a month? Takato: Hmmm. I’m not (5) .................. I guess up to 10,000 yen. Jake:

Sounding Natural

• Golden Rule 2: Vary your questions (see p. 88) • Strategy 6: Getting time to think (see p. 92) • Strategy 19: Asking personal questions (see p. 94)

2. Dialog

Step 1: Write your own dialog with a classmate. Make sure to integrate the Golden Rules and at least one of the Strategies outlined in the Sounding Natural section at the end of this textbook. Step 2: Perform your dialog in front of your teacher, another pair, or the whole class.

A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


B: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

Review + Preview L9 Review Sheet p.79 L10 Preview Sheet p.80


A: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................



Lesson 9 - Your Money

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