Conversations in Class A2_book1
Sounding Natural
1 - Openings
4 - Reacting
You want to show interest in what your partner says.
You want to start a conversation in an open, friendly way.
You can say: (neutral)
You can say: • Hello. • Ʒǯ • Hey
• 2h really" • 2h yeah" • I see. (reacting to something positive) • 6ounGs fun .
• :hat s up" • How are you" • How s it JoinJ" • Long time no see...
• :ow • *reat • Cool. • You’re lucky. • 7hat s really awesoPe. (American English) (reacting to something negative) • 2h no • 7hat’s too baG. • 7hat s aGMective too baG Jot to be harG touJh • I'm sorry to hear that. In English, it is natural for conversation partners to talk about themselves in turns. When doing so, howe ver, it's vital to acknowledge what your partner says by making short comments. Example 1 (No connection between comments - unnatu ral, disjointed conversation): A: I really like sleeping a lot in my free time. B: I like playing baseball. A: I usually get up around 2 pm on the weekends. B: I practice every day after school. Example 2 (new comments are related to the previous ones- natural, flowing conversation): A: In my free time, I really like playing video games. B: 2h yeah" Ζ’P Pore of an outGoor type. Ζ play baseball. A: %aseball" 5eally" Ζ Gon’t usually Jet up until arounG pP on the weekends. B: :ow that s late. Ζ’P at baseball practice by about nine on Saturday mornings.
Remember that the translations of yoroshiku onegai shimasu are not used to start a conversation in English.
2 - Closing
You want to close a conversation without soun ding rude.
You can say:
• Nice talking with you. • Oh, look at the time. • *otta run
• Ζ really shoulG be JoinJ. • It was great talking to you. • See you later. • %ye
3 - Echo questions
You want to give yourself time to think about your answer.
You can repeat part of what you hear (usually the topic of the question) with a rising intonation.
Example: $ :hat is your favorite season" % My favorite season? HPP. Ζ think it’s sprinJ.
Remember to match your intonation with your words, so that your reactions ring true.
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