Conversations in Class A2_book1

Sounding Natural

14 - Asking for clarification

If you ask for details, you will send the message that you are interested in what your conversation partner is saying. Often these follow-up questions are simply implicit questions spoken out loud.

You want to make sure of what you are being asked, or what someone is talking about.

11 - Transitions

You can say:

• :hat Go you Pean" • 'o you PeanȐ." • $re you sayinJ thatȐ"

You want to show interest in what your partner says.

You can say: • So, ...

Example 1: $ How iPportant is it for you to be in fashion" % :hat Go you Pean" $ :ell Go you spenG a lot of Poney on clothes" Or you can check that you have understood what someone has said with “Do you mean ~?” Example 2: $ :hat’s the Post iPportant thinJ in your life" % 'o you Pean riJht now or in the future as well"

• %y the wayȐ • How about a " • 2h that rePinGs PeȐ • Ζ was wonGerinJȐ • 6peakinJ of aȐ • %efore Ζ forJetȐ • 7o chanJe the subMectȐ

Starting a new topic without using phrases like these makes you sound more harsh and abrupt.

15 - Giving general answers

12 - Disagreeing with what someone has said

You want to answer a question about a general topic.

You want to disagree politely with something your partner said.

You should: provide a general image of your circums tances.

You can say:

In Japanese, when asked about a general topic, it’s quite common to answer with a single feature, or highlight.

• Yes that PiJht be nice butȐ • 5eally" a is JooG point but isn t it a bit baG point " • 3ersonally Ζ prefer a.

Example: $ :hat GiG you Go GurinJ the suPPer holiGays" % Ζ went to see ȴreworks.

It is perfectly fine and natural to disagree with your conversation partner’s opinion, but you must be polite.

This is also OK in English, provided you don’t stop there. Your answer should provide a general image of your cir cumstances. Usually, people tend to start with a general panorama and then move into details. Examples: $ :hat GiG you Go GurinJ the suPPer holiGays" % Ζn $uJust Ζ workeG on reports. Ζn 6eptePber Ζ stayeG hoPe anG GiGn’t Go Puch. %ut Ζ went to see ȴreworks once. It was great. $ :hat GiG you Go GurinJ the suPPer holiGays" % Ζ went to see ȴreworks. $part froP that nothinJ Puch. Ζ stayed home.

13 - Agreeing with what someone has said

You want to express agreement with your conversation partner’s opinion.

You can say:

• Me too / Me neither • 7hat’s true. • 6aPe here • Ζ know ȋ ePphasi]eG • I know what you mean. • 7ell Pe about it casual



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