How to Test Speaking Skills in Japan
This is a large-file sending service that is free, secure, and easy to use It can provide another easy way for your students to send you their speaking test recordings After setting up your account, you create an upload page with unique address and password where students upload their recordings to, directly from their smart phones Those files will then magically appear in your cloud stor age service, such as Dropbox , Google Drive , or OneDrop You can create different upload pages for different classes, which is a nice feature to keep things organized “Drop it to me” can be accessed at AirDrop This is a wireless method of transferring files directly between de vices from Apple , such as laptops, iPads , or iPhones Once you setup this utility, it can work like magic and make the file transfer process painless and smooth Of course, the drawback is that you must be in the Apple ecosystem to use it For more detailed information on how to use this free, built-in capability, check out this website: Quizlet & Memrise These are two free vocabulary learning apps that work on both the iOS and Android smartphone platforms They are a bit different, but in principle they both allow users to drill vocablulary via in teractive flashcard-like activities You can also create you own sets of vocabulary to study If you are looking for a way to keep your students busy and productive while they wait for their turn on an in-class speaking test (or after they have finished), then check these apps out Each service can also be used from a computer on the web Quizlet: ; Memrise:
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