How to Test Speaking Skills in Japan

14 Part 1: Why should we bother with speaking tests? selves understood This contributes, in turn, to a fear of making mistakes, a debilitating state which further inhibits self-expression In reality, of course, you do not need perfect form and complete cor rectness in order to communicate, as native speakers make mistakes all the time (Schegloff, Jefferson, & Sachs, 1977) However, this is an idea that many students and teachers are not yet able to fathom Instead of embracing the mistake-filled adventure of language learn ing, students often retreat behind a wall of silence (Harumi, 2001) For teachers, the negative washback also has severe consequences on morale and job satisfaction Many recognize the demerits of the sys tem, have a sincere desire to put more emphasis on communication, yet feel trapped and powerless to do anything about it What can you do? The system is the way it is, so I just need to focus on doing my best to survive within it… In the end, English in Japan is largely taught as a subject for the test, not as a skill to be used in the real world Is it any wonder then that after years of study many learners are unable to hold a basic conversation?

Negative washback kills the spirit of learning.

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