How to Test Speaking Skills in Japan
Chapter 3: Work for positive washback
It is better to accept the existence of washback and harness it, much the same way an expert in aikido exploits the force of an opponent … Teachers who are responsible for their own cours es and tests can achieve positive washback fairly easily. If they choose course and test objectives on the basis that they share the same orientation, there should be no tension between exam work and learning needs. Students will realize that class work gives both practice for the test and preparation for using English in authentic situations.
This is you after upgrading your oral assessment skills. Feels good, eh?
Harness your imagination… Again, it’s important to remember that learning to conduct oral tests successfully is a skill you’ll need to cultivate, putting time and effort into it on a consistent basis There are no free passes here However, before you dive in, let’s imagine what your work life may look like once you upgrade your oral testing regimen… After a period of trial and error, you are now confident in your ability to conduct reliable and valid speaking tests that fit seam lessly and comfortably within your teaching workflow Instead
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