How to Test Speaking Skills in Japan

90 Part 3: Three speaking test ideas vocabulary acquisition Finally, having an L1 transcript to look at during assessment reduces pressure and avoids wasted mental ener gy and time on what was I supposed to say next? A practical benefit is that it makes it easier to assess each pair in your large class Getting ready 1 Before attempting this test for the first time, be sure to conduct a practice exam, as this assessment method will likely be a new experience for everyone In addition to helping the students un derstand the 3-stage test process, this practice session will dou ble as a final review Once your students get the hang of it, you will not need to conduct future practice exams 2 Prepare the writing paper in Appendix A and B so that each pair has one copy of each For example, if you have 40 students in the class, you’ll need 20 copies of each handout Standardized test forms will make the marking process easier and more trans parent Alternatively, students could use their own paper 3 Prepare your marking/feedback sheet See the Appendices for some samples you can use or adapt 4 Prepare a language practice activity for students to do after Stage 2 ends This could be another writing task, exercises from your textbook’s workbook, reading a graded reader, or practicing En glish on a smartphone via apps like Quizlet or Memrise 5 If you are planning to record the exam (which I recommend), prepare a recording device and make sure you know how to work it and manage the audio files Step-by-step 1 Pass out the writing papers to each pair Explain the three stage testing procedure

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