Ibunka! - Unit 2 / OSF 2
『Ibunka!』のUnit 2とOSF 2のデジタルブックです。
2 Sleep and Rest
)25 7($&+(56
You and Your Culture Part 1
Answer the following questions about your daily life.
On average, how many hours a night do you sleep?
What kinds of things prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep?
• ZRUN • VWXG\ • QRLVH • SHRSOH DURXQG PH • GLVWUDFWLRQV 79 LQWHUQHW HWF • RWKHU ..................................................
6 7
Is that enough for you? Ʉ Q2 Do you ever sleep during the daytime? Where? Q5 Do you think it’s important to manage your sleep- i.e., to get a decent amount of sleep, and to maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time? DOZD\V RIWHQ VRPH - WLPHV QHYHU • LQ P\ URRP • RQ WKH WUDLQ RU EXV • LQ FODVV • GXULQJ EUHDN WLPHV • RWKHU ........................ • Q3 Do you think that it’s OK to sleep in these situations? - Ζ KDYH WRR PXFK VWXG\ ZRUN - GLVWUDFWLRQV H J VPDUWSKRQH 79 WDNH DZD\ P\ VOHHS WLPH - Ζ GRQȇW KDYH D UHJXODU EHGWLPH • 1R LWȇV QRW HVSHFLDOO\ LPSRUWDQW WR PH 2. QRW 2. • LQ D FODVV RI OHVV WKDQ SHRSOH • LQ D FODVV RI PRUH WKDQ SHRSOH • RQ FDPSXV EHWZHHQ FODVVHV • RQ WKH WUDLQ RU EXV • LQ D OLEUDU\ • DW D hanami SDUW\ • GXULQJ D ORQJ PHHWLQJ • RWKHU ............................................... VOCABULARY EUHDN WLPHV RQ FDPSXV D JRRG QLJKWȇV VOHHS GLVWUDFWLRQV GHFHQW WR PDLQWDLQ a WR EH VKDUS HɝFLHQWO\ WR ORRN RQH V EHVW WR IHHO RQH V EHVW Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVW 14 First, write your answers to Questions 1~5 in full sentences, giving reasons and opinions where you can. INTERVIEW Q1: On average, how many hours a day do you sleep? Is that enough for you? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q2: Do you ever sleep during the daytime? If so, where? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q3: In what situations do you think it’s OK to sleep during the day? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q4: What kinds of things prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q5: Do you think it’s important to manage your sleep? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Ask the survey questions to several classmates and make notes of their answers. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 z about 6 hours z not enough for her z often naps in her room z sometimes on the train z in a class of more than 50 people z on the train z study z noise (traffic) z smartphone z yes, but she Example 1DPH Sara has too much study Partner 1 1DPH Partner 2 1DPH proved skills Partner 3 1DPH Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVWɄ 15 1RZ OHWȇV WKLQN DERXW -DSDQHVH VRFLHW\ DQG VRPH GLHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ YDULRXV JURXSV Write sentences using words and phrases from these lists. EXPRESSION 1 1. ΖQ P\ RSLQLRQ LQ -DSDQ WHQG WR XQLYHUVLW\ VWXGHQWV JHW D JRRG QLJKWȇV VOHHS . RɝFH ZRUNHUV VOHHS LQ SXEOLF FRQYHQLHQFH VWRUH ZRUNHUV VWD\ XS DOO QLJKW 2. Ζ WKLQN WKDW DUH PRUH OLNHO\ WKDQ FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZRUNHUV VXHU IURP ODFN RI VOHHS WR WKH HOGHUO\ WDNH SRZHU QDSV . VWXGHQWV ZKR SOD\ VSRUW VOHHS LQ FODVV VWXGHQWV ZKR DWWHQG juku VOHHS ZKHQHYHU WKH\ FDQ 3. FRPPXWHUV QRG R GXULQJ WKH GD\ +RZ DERXW \RX" $UH \RX OLNH PRVW RWKHUV LQ -DSDQ RU GR \RX KDYH GLHUHQW YLHZV" Write more sentences about Japanese society, adding your own opinions or habits. EXPRESSION 2 ΖQ P\ YLHZ ΖQ P\ H[SHULHQFH Ζ KDYH WKH LPSUHVVLRQ WKDW LQ -DSDQ D PDMRULW\ RI D JRRG PDQ\ D ODUJH QXPEHU RI VOHHS LQ FODVV XQLYHUVLW\ VWXGHQWV DQG Ζ GR WRR EXW SHUVRQDOO\ Ζ GRQȇW ................................................................................................................................... VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................... FRQVWUXFWLRQ ZRUNHUV FRPPXWHUV WR VWD\ XS DOO QLJKW ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... SRZHU QDS WR QRG R LQ P\ YLHZ a Ζ KDYH WKH LPSUHVVLRQ WKDW a ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... D PDMRULW\ RI a D JRRG PDQ\ a ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVW 16 People in Other Cultures Part 2 People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 What are your thoughts on how people sleep or deal with tiredness in foreign countries where you have lived? 1 When I lived in Japan, it seemed most people were overly tired; deprived of free time and sleep time. It was interesting to watch people doze off on the train and then suddenly, as if by magic, wake up just as they arrived at their station. How did they do that? Matt $PHULFDQ SXEOLVKHU KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 2-01 2 There also seemed to be a kind of perverse pride YFPJS NS ITNSL FS FQQ SNLMYJW . YMTZLMY NY \FX strange that people would stay up all night to work or study, as if they were showing commitment, and UWT[NSL YMJ^ \JWJ YTZLM JSTZLM YT ƳLMY TKK XQJJU NS order to work or study more. 2-02 3 I believe most Japanese people don’t get enough sleep. You can see people sleeping in public spaces like buses and trains, and even in business meetings or conferences. I guess that in the Japanese workplace, GJNSL UWTIZHYN[J FSI JKƳHNJSY NX STY FX NRUTWYFSY FX just showing up. Miki -DSDQHVH ZULWHU KDV OLYHG LQ WKH 8. 2-03 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . VOCABULARY RYHUO\ GHSULYHG RI a DV LI E\ PDJLF SHUYHUVH WR GR DQ DOO QLJKWHU FRPPLWPHQW SURGXFWLYH WR VKRZ XS WR WDNH WRS SULRULW\ True False 1 0DWW ZDV VXUSULVHG DW WKH VOHHSLQJ KDELWV RI SHRSOH RQ WUDLQV LQ -DSDQ 2 0DWW WKLQNV WKDW VWD\LQJ XS DOO QLJKW LV WKH EHVW ZD\ WR VKRZ WKDW \RX DUH D KDUG ZRUNHU 3 $FFRUGLQJ WR 0LNL HɝFLHQF\ WDNHV WRS SULRULW\ LQ ZRUNSODFHV LQ -DSDQ Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVWɄ 17 COMPREHENSION 2 5HDG WKH UHVSRQVHV DQG ȴOO LQ WKH JDSV ZLWK WKH FRUUHFW ZRUGV Q2 In the countries you have lived in, would you say that it’s considered important to get enough sleep and maintain a regular bedtime? It is indeed. When I was a child, my parents had a strict rule the week that we had to go to bed at 9 p.m. This rule continued . \FX FGTZY TW ^JFWX TQI we got up F R YMNX JSXZWJI ZX FGTZY TW MTZWX of sleep. There were no naps, so we had to get a good night's sleep. 4 GXULQJ DURXQG VLQFH XQWLO Stéphane )UHQFK DUFKLWHFW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 2-04 5 I was surprised at how strictly Australian parents their children's bedtime and them to bed quite early. There was even a cute character (a person dressed in an animal suit) that would TS 9; XHWJJSX FY NS YMJ J[JSNSL and tell all children under the age of 12 to . We don’t have anything like that in Japan. DSSHDU FRQWURO JR WR EHG VHQG Motoko -DSDQHVH KRPHPDNHU KDV OLYHG LQ $XVWUDOLD 2-05 Which one of the survey responses on pages 17 and 18 was most interesting to you? Explain your choice, using the patterns below as a starting point. Then discuss it with classmates. DISCUSSION V UHVSRQVH WR EH WKH PRVW UHODWDEOH B 3HUVRQDOO\ Ζ WHQG WR Ȑ C Ζ IRXQG 0LNL A A B C 1 3HUVRQDOO\ Ζ WHQG WR Ȑ 2 ΖW VHHPV WKDW Ȑ 3 Ζ ȴQG LW VXUSULVLQJ WKDW Ȑ 4 Ζ DOZD\V WKRXJKW WKDW Ȑ 1 0DWW 2 0LNL 3 6W«SKDQH 4 0RWRNR 1 LQWHUHVWLQJ 2 UHODWDEOH 3 VWUDQJH 4 WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJ .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. VOCABULARY LQGHHG WR HQVXUH a nap VWULFWO\ DQLPDO VXLW VWUDQJH WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJ .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVW 18 CULTURE SHOCK Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . 6 I did a year of study abroad at a university in Belgium. It was pretty tough because I had to work hard at my French to be able to keep up with the rest of the class. I often stayed up late studying, so sometimes I would fall asleep in class. One day, one of my teachers got really upset with me and woke me up. He said, “If you’re coming here to sleep, you might as well stay at home!” Takako -DSDQHVH FRPSDQ\ HPSOR\HH KDV OLYHG LQ %HOJLXP DQG )UDQFH 2-07 7 I’m an engineer, and I was posted to the Tokyo branch of my company for three years. From time to time we had to make presentations to potential clients. The day before, I always made a point of going home early, in order to get a good night’s sleep and be as sharp as I could on the big day. But my Japanese colleagues always stayed extra late on those occasions. That always shocked me, but I’m pretty sure they felt the same way about me. Jurgen *HUPDQ HQJLQHHU KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 2-08 True False 6 7DNDNR JRW XSVHW DW KHU WHDFKHUV LQ %HOJLXP EHFDXVH WKH\ GLGQȇW OHW KHU VOHHS LQ FODVV 7 -XUJHQ WKLQNV WKDW RQ WKH QLJKW EHIRUH DQ LPSRUWDQW WDVN LWȇV EHWWHU WR JHW HQRXJK UHVW WKDQ WR ZRUN ODWH Draw a simple PDQJD based on the topic of this unit. It may be from your experience or your imagination. CREATIVITY 1 2 VOCABULARY WRXJK WR NHHS XS ZLWK a WR VWD\ XS XSVHW WR EH SRVWHG WR a IURP WLPH WR WLPH SRWHQWLDO FOLHQWV WR PDNH D SRLQW RI a VKDUS WKH ELJ GD\ H[WUD ODWH 3 4 Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVWɄ 19 2 Sleep and Rest One Step Further ACTIVITIES Here are some more responses from the Ibunka Survey on the topic of sleep and rest. Let’s examine them for underlying cultural trends. We can see that the language in many responses hints at two basic patterns. )25 7($&+(56 92&$%8/$5< SURVEY LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN A: Give your all In these cultures, it is admirable to work or study to your physical and mental limit. This means that you may sleep little at night, and rest wherever and whenever you can. CULTURAL PATTERN B: Manage your energy This cultural value is about getting a decent amount of sleep, and maintaining a regular bedtime and wake- XS WLPH LQ RUGHU WR EH VKDUS DQG HɝFLHQW IRU ZRUN RU studies. 5HDG WKURXJK WKH ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ UHVSRQVHV EHORZ +LJKOLJKW LQ RQH FRORU WKH ZRUGV DQG SKUDVHV WKDW UHȵHFW Cultural Pattern A: Give your all DQG LQ DQRWKHU FRORU WKH ZRUGV DQG SKUDVHV WKDW UHȵHFW Cultural Pattern B: Manage your energy. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups. 1 1 FDQȇW KHOS EXW a WR QRVH GLYH YLWDO Many Japanese people seem not to get enough sleep .Y NX FRF_NSL YT XJJ YMJR KFQQNSL FXQJJU TS UZGQNH YWFSXUTWYFYNTS FY FS^ YNRJ TK YMJ IF^ XTRJ J[JS \MNQJ XYFSINSL ZU &QYMTZLM R^ HQFXXJX FWJ [JW^ FHYN[J XYZIJSYX MF[J YT YFQP F QTY IZWNSL YMJ HQFXX .[J MFI F HTZUQJ TK students who HTZQISY MJQU GZY nose-dive NS YMJ RNIIQJ TK FS FHYN[NY^ . This is something I've SJ[JW XJJS NS +WFSHJ . When I ask them why they are always tired, they usually tell me that they have a part-time HTS[JSNJSHJ XYTWJ OTG YMFY ƳSNXMJX [JW^ QFYJ FY SNLMY XTRJYNRJX J[JS NS YMJ RTWSNSL OZXY GJKTWJ HQFXX +WTR my point of view it's bad management of their sleep time, but I also get the sense that young Japanese people don't think that sleep is so vital! )UHQFK PDOH WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ .S (FSFIF a lot of people FWJ HTSHJWSJI FGTZY MT\ RZHM XQJJU YMJ^ LJY . There are THHFXNTSFQ XYTWNJX TS YMJ J[JSNSL SJ\X TW NS YMJ SJ\XUFUJW FGTZY YMJ NRUTWYFSHJ TK XQJJU . From these stories, it sounds like people are not sleeping enough. &DQDGLDQ PDOH HPSOR\HH OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 2 . MF[J YMJ NRUWJXXNTS YMFY /FUFSJXJ UJTUQJ MF[J F [JW^ XUJHNFQ WJQFYNTSXMNU \NYM XQJJU FX if they HTSXNIJW NY F \FXYJ TK YNRJ GZY F UQJFXFSY \FXYJ TK YNRJ 9MJ^ XQJJU \MJS YMJ^ HFS TS YMJ YWFNS NS YMJ RNIIQJ TK F KFRNQ^ gathering FY \TWP JYH GZY YMJ^ MF[J TSQ^ [JW^ XMTWY sleeps at night. For me, Japan is the paradise of naps. ΖULVK IHPDOH MRXUQDOLVW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 3 2^ J]UJWNJSHJ MJWJ NS /FUFS NX YMFY UJTUQJ stay up too late RTWJ XT NS YMJ HNYNJX YMTZLM .S YMJ HTZSYW^XNIJ folks tend to sleep better, and are more in tune with nature. However, the KFHY YMFY RFS^ MF[J MFWI OTGX FSI QTSL HTRRZYJX means that XQJJU NX VZNYJ QFHPNSL KTW RFS^ , as NX J[NIJSHJI G^ how often UJTUQJ XQJJU NS UZGQNH .YƍX NSYJWJXYNSL YT RJ how tolerated this is. $PHULFDQ PDOH WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 4 2 WR EH FRQFHUQHG DERXWba LW VRXQGV OLNH a 3 JDWKHULQJ 4 IRONV LQ WXQH ZLWK QDWXUH ORQJ FRPPXWHV WR EH HYLGHQFHG E\ a WROHUDWHG Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ I Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ6OHHS DQG 5HVW 76 &X KFW . HFS WJRJRGJW R^ UFWJSYX NSXNXYJI YMFY . LJY YT GJI G^ F HJWYFNS YNRJ , and that I \FPJ ZU FY F WJLZQFW YNRJ 5 QLJKW RZO EHGGLQJ WR NHHS WUDFN RI a 6 WR DVVRFLDWH $ ZLWK % 7 XQWKLQNDEOH EDFNJURXQG QRLVH RPQLSUHVHQW 8 VRFLDOO\ DFFHSWDEOH ZHOO UHVWHG WR KDYH UHVSHFW IRU a WR SXW RQH V IRRW GRZQ 9 10 WR PLVV RXW RQ a RQ WKH FRQWUDU\ Ȑ Write a paragraph on the topic of sleep and rest. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ6OHHS DQG 5HVWɄ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 77
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