Ibunka! - Unit 2 / OSF 2
People in Other Cultures Part 2
People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 What are your thoughts on how people sleep or deal with tiredness in foreign countries where you have lived? 1 When I lived in Japan, it seemed most people were overly tired; deprived of free time and sleep time. It was interesting to watch people doze off on the train and then suddenly, as if by magic, wake up just as they arrived at their station. How did they do that? Matt $PHULFDQ SXEOLVKHU KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 2-01 2 There also seemed to be a kind of perverse pride YFPJS NS ITNSL FS FQQ SNLMYJW . YMTZLMY NY \FX strange that people would stay up all night to work or study, as if they were showing commitment, and UWT[NSL YMJ^ \JWJ YTZLM JSTZLM YT ƳLMY TKK XQJJU NS order to work or study more. 2-02 3 I believe most Japanese people don’t get enough sleep. You can see people sleeping in public spaces like buses and trains, and even in business meetings or conferences. I guess that in the Japanese workplace, GJNSL UWTIZHYN[J FSI JKƳHNJSY NX STY FX NRUTWYFSY FX just showing up. Miki -DSDQHVH ZULWHU KDV OLYHG LQ WKH 8. 2-03 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . VOCABULARY RYHUO\ GHSULYHG RI a DV LI E\ PDJLF SHUYHUVH WR GR DQ DOO QLJKWHU FRPPLWPHQW SURGXFWLYH WR VKRZ XS WR WDNH WRS SULRULW\ True False 1 0DWW ZDV VXUSULVHG DW WKH VOHHSLQJ KDELWV RI SHRSOH RQ WUDLQV LQ -DSDQ 2 0DWW WKLQNV WKDW VWD\LQJ XS DOO QLJKW LV WKH EHVW ZD\ WR VKRZ WKDW \RX DUH D KDUG ZRUNHU 3 $FFRUGLQJ WR 0LNL HɝFLHQF\ WDNHV WRS SULRULW\ LQ ZRUNSODFHV LQ -DSDQ Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ6OHHS DQG 5HVWɄ 17
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