Ibunka! - Unit 4 / OSF 4
4 Having Guests in Your Home
One Step Further ACTIVITIES
Here are some more responses from the Ibunka Survey on the topic of the home as a social space. Let’s examine them for underlying cultural trends. We can see that the language in many responses hints at two basic patterns.
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CULTURAL PATTERN A: Socializing outside of the home
CULTURAL PATTERN B: Socializing in the home In other cultures, houses welcome guests on a regular basis because having people over for meals, drinks, etc. is considered an important part of friendship. In those cultures, it is important to keep one’s house tidy and accessible enough that you can welcome visitors at any time.
In some cultures, the inside of the house is seen as a private place that people outside one’s immediate circle are not expected to enter. People feel more comfortable getting together in public places like cafes and restaurants.
Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern A: Socializing outside DQG LQ DQRWKHU FRORU WKH SDUWV WKDW UHȵHFW Cultural Pattern B: Socializing in the home. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups.
9MJ ƳWXY YNRJ . \FX NS[NYJI YT F UFWY^ FY F KWNJSIX MTRJ NS &RXYJWIFR I took an J]UJSXN[J XYTWJ GTZLMY HFPJ . But when I arrived, I saw that other guests were bringing simple things like a homemade pasta dish, or nothing at all - we were all students on a limited budget. I got used to that WJQF]JI FYYNYZIJ after a while. -DSDQHVH IHPDOH WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ WKH 1HWKHUODQGV 1 The houses I saw in Ireland had a lot of HQTXJYX 1 VWRUH ERXJKW FDNH RQ D OLPLWHG EXGJHW UHOD[HG DWWLWXGH 2 FORVHW VWRUDJH WR GURS E\ ZLWKRXW QRWLFH KDUGO\ HYHU 3 QRW D ELJ GHDO 4 WR HDW RXW KRVSLWDOLW\ VWL ULWXDOLVHG 5 WR VRFLDOL]H WR JLYH a WKH ZURQJ LPSUHVVLRQ Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ I Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ+DYLQJ *XHVWV LQ
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