Ibunka! - Unit 6 / OSF 6
『Ibunka!』のUnit 6とOSF 6のデジタルブックです。
6 In a Shop
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You and Your Culture Part 1
Answer the following questions about your daily life.
When you go to a store as a customer, KRZ GR \RX LQWHUDFW ZLWK WKH VWD"
As a customer, which of these do you prefer? • %HLQJ WUHDWHG ZLWK GHIHUHQFH OLNH ȊUR\DOW\ ȋ • %HLQJ WUHDWHG LQ D IULHQGO\ PDQQHU
always sometimes never
As a customer, have you ever experienced any of these?
• Q2 As a customer in a store, what do you H[SHFW VWD WR GR" Æ choose three • XVH SROLWH ODQJXDJH • bow • VPLOH • PDNH H\H FRQWDFW • H[SODLQ WKH SURGXFW LWHP • EDJ ZUDS \RXU LWHP FDUHIXOO\ • VHH \RX WR WKH GRRU VOCABULARY WR LQWHUDFW ZLWK a WR JUHHW a WR UHVSRQG WR D JUHHWLQJ WR H[SHFW a WR a WR ERZ WR EDJ ZUDS DQ LWHP WR VHH a WR WKH GRRU KXPDQ LQWHUDFWLRQ WR NHHS a WR D PLQLPXP GHIHUHQFH GHIHFWLYH Q3 Do you enjoy having conversations with VKRS VWD" • WR EH UXGH WR a WR JHW DQJU\ DW a Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRS 38 1. First, write your answers to Questions 1~5 in full sentences, giving reasons and opinions where you can. INTERVIEW Q1: :KHQ \RX JR WR D VWRUH DV D FXVWRPHU KRZ GR \RX LQWHUDFW ZLWK WKH VWD" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 $V D FXVWRPHU LQ D VWRUH ZKDW GR \RX H[SHFW VWD WR GR" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 'R \RX HQMR\ KDYLQJ FRQYHUVDWLRQV ZLWK VKRS VWD" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q4: In a shop, do you prefer to be treated with deference, or to be treated in a friendly manner? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 +DYH \RX HYHU KDG DQ XQSOHDVDQW H[SHULHQFH DV D FXVWRPHU RU VKRS VWD PHPEHU" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Ask the survey questions to three classmates and make notes of their answers. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 z Ʉ makes eye contact z Ʉ usually responds to greetings z Ʉ Expects polite language, bows z Ʉ yes, but not too long z Ʉ prefers to be treated with deference z Ʉ FX HZXYTRJW ordered item was broken z Ʉ FX XYFKK WZIJ customers Example 1DPH Tomoki Partner 1 1DPH Partner 2 1DPH proved skills Partner 3 1DPH Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRSɄ 39 1RZ OHWȇV WKLQN DERXW -DSDQHVH VRFLHW\ DQG VRPH GLHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ YDULRXV JURXSV Write sentences using words and phrases from these lists. EXPRESSION 1 DVN IRU D GLVFRXQW FDIHV 1. Ζ WKLQN WKDW LQ -DSDQ FXVWRPHUV WHQG WR in PRUH WKDQ H[SHFW TXDOLW\ VHUYLFH KLJK HQG EUDQG VWRUHV FKDW KDLU VDORQV . WKH\ GR LQ VWD\ D ORQJ WLPH EDUV VD\ KHOOR JRRGE\H FRQYHQLHQFH VWRUHV DUH 2. 6WD LQ VD\ WKDQN \RX IDPLO\ RZQHG VWRUHV PRUH OLNHO\ WR WKDQ WKRVH LQ . WDON DERXW WKHPVHOYHV GHSDUWPHQW VWRUHV PDNH H\H FRQWDFW FKDLQ UHVWDXUDQWV 3. VPLOH VWUHHW PDUNHWV +RZ DERXW \RX" $UH \RX OLNH PRVW RWKHUV LQ -DSDQ RU GR \RX KDYH GLHUHQW YLHZV" Write more sentences about Japanese society, adding your own opinions or habits. EXPRESSION 2 Ζ WKLQN WKDW PDQ\ D ORW RI VRPH FDIHV FXVWRPHUV LQ -DSDQ JR WR HɝFLHQW VHUYLFH IULHQGO\ FRQYHUVDWLRQ WKH QLFH DWPRVSKHUH TXDOLW\ SURGXFWV JRRG YDOXH IRU DQG Ζ GR WRR EXW Ζ SUHIHU ................................................................................................................................... KLJK HQG EUDQG VWRUHV KDLU VDORQV IDPLO\ RZQHG VWRUHV D GLVFRXQW TXDOLW\ VHUYLFH HɝFLHQW WKH DWPRVSKHUH JRRG YDOXH Ζ SUHIHU Ȑ VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRS 40 People in Other Cultures Part 2 People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 ΖQ WKH FRXQWU\ ZKHUH \RX JUHZ XS KRZ GR VKRS VWD and customers greet and interact with each other? What about in foreign countries where you have lived? 1 In Australia it is very common for customers to reply to shop staff when they greet you. If you don't, you might come across as rude. I don’t think this is the case in Japan. I don’t see many people return greetings to staff here. Jim $XVWUDOLDQ 6-01 ZHE GHVLJQHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 2 When I was living in rural France, I soon learned to greet everyone, including other customers, when entering a shop. This is not what people did in the industrial town in the UK where I grew up. Kevin %ULWLVK WHDFKHU KDV OLYHG LQ )UDQFH 6-02 3 8FQJX XYFKK NS (FSFIF TKYJS GJQNJ[J YMFY LWJJYNSL UJTUQJ NS a friendly, more casual manner leads to a better customer relationship. So, many retail workers welcome customers with a friendly greeting and try to engage them in conversation. Sarah &DQDGLDQ KRPHPDNHU KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 6-03 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . True False WKLV LV WKH FDVH WR FRPH DFURVV DV a UXUDO LQGXVWULDO UHWDLO ZRUNHUV WR HQJDJH a LQ FRQYHUVDWLRQ VOCABULARY 1 -LP LV D OLWWOH VKRFNHG E\ WKH UXGHQHVV RI VRPH VKRS VWD LQ -DSDQ 2 .HYLQ IRXQG WKDW VKRS JUHHWLQJV DUH PRUH FRPPRQ LQ )UDQFH WKDQ LQ KLV KRPH FRXQWU\ 3 $FFRUGLQJ WR 6DUDK LWȇV FRPPRQ IRU VDOHV VWD LQ &DQDGD WR FKDW ZLWK WKHLU FXVWRPHUV Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRSɄ 41 COMPREHENSION 2 5HDG WKH UHVSRQVHV DQG ȴOO LQ WKH JDSV ZLWK WKH FRUUHFW ZRUGV Q3 How do you feel about customer service in your home country? How about in foreign countries where you have lived? 4 The quality of the in stores in the US is quite inconsistent. Sometimes you are well looked after, but other times you get the sense that the person working hates their job and is just mailing it in. I never get that in Japan, even in places such as fast food restaurants. The staff here are trained in providing service at a very high level. No matter the job, they have a very professional , and it’s one of the things I love most about this country. Here in Japan the service is excellent but sometimes it feels a little impersonal. In France, staff and customers each other, and sometimes little jokes. I like that. But you can also have unpleasant surprises. Sales staff sometimes forget things. And they may even to take responsibility for their mistakes. 5 DWWLWXGH VHUYLFH IHHOLQJ Jerry $PHULFDQ WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 6-04 JUHHW UHIXVH H[FKDQJH Chloé )UHQFK WUDQVODWRU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 6-05 6 and smiling but a and standardized In Japan, shop staff are very GNY WTGTY QNPJ 9MJ \JQHTRJ NX HɝFLHQW XQLIRUP SROLWH and wherever you are. The service is impeccable, Ravi ΖQGLDQ UHVHDUFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ fast, but also a little cold. 6-06 Which one of the survey responses on pages 41 and 42 was most interesting to you? Explain your choice, using the patterns below as a starting point. Then discuss it with classmates. DISCUSSION V UHVSRQVH WR EH WKH PRVW VXUSULVLQJ B ΖQ P\ H[SHULHQFH Ȑ C Ζ IRXQG -LP A A B C 1 ΖQ P\ H[SHULHQFH Ȑ 2 ΖQ P\ FXOWXUH Ȑ 3 )URP P\ SRLQW RI YLHZ Ȑ 4 Ζ P PRVW FRPIRUWDEOH ZLWK Ȑ 1 -LP 5 PLOLH 1 VXUSULVLQJ 2 IDVFLQDWLQJ 3 UHODWDEOH 4 VKRFNLQJ 2 .HYLQ 3 6DUDK 4 -HUU\ 6 5DYL LQFRQVLVWHQW WR PDLO LW LQ QR PDWWHU WKH a LPSHUVRQDO WR WDNH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU a VWDQGDUGL]HG LPSHFFDEOH VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRS 42 CULTURE SHOCK Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . 7 I remember being quite surprised by a few things when I visited a souk market NS 2TWTHHT 9MJ XYFQQ MTQIJWX \JWJ VZNYJ FLLWJXXN[J MTQINSL YMJ FWRX TK UFXXJWX G^ and guiding them into their shops. But once I was inside, I enjoyed the interaction \NYM YMJ XYFQQ MTQIJW -J XFY RJ IT\S UTZWJI RJ XTRJ YJF FSI \J MFI F SNHJ chat before he even started talking about products and prices. I guess in a culture where you haggle over prices, personal conversation is a good way to begin. Gus ΖULVK DFWRU OLYHV LQ 6SDLQ 6-07 8 I sometimes get reverse culture shock when I go back to France on holiday. I have gotten used to the politeness and thoughtfulness of the Japanese. Back in France, one day, while paying at the checkout of a supermarket, it seemed to me that the cashier had been rude. I told her, “You could speak politely.” A customer standing in line behind me defended her by saying, “But she was polite.” I was shocked! Catherine )UHQFK DUFKLWHFW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 6-08 True False 7 *XV ZDV PRVW VXUSULVHG DW WKH SULFH RI WHD LQ WKH PDUNHW LQ 0RURFFR 8 &DWKHULQH V LGHD RI SROLWH VHUYLFH FKDQJHG ZKLOH VKH ZDV OLYLQJ LQ D IRUHLJQ FXOWXUH Draw a simple manga based on the topic of this unit. It may be from your experience or your imagination. CREATIVITY 1 2 VWDOO KROGHUV DJJUHVVLYH LQWHUDFWLRQ SDVVHUV E\ WR KDJJOH RYHU a UHYHUVH FXOWXUH VKRFN WKRXJKWIXOQHVV FKHFNRXW FDVKLHU VOCABULARY 3 4 Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄΖQ D 6KRSɄ 43 6 In a Shop One Step Further ACTIVITIES Here are some more responses from the Ibunka Survey on the topic of communication in shops. We can see that most responses fall into two basic patterns. )25 7($&+(56 92&$%8/$5< SURVEY LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN A: &XVWRPHUV DQG VWD RQ HTXDO IRRWLQJ ΖQ VRPH FXOWXUHV VKRS VWD DQG FXVWRPHUV communicate more or less as equals. The tone is UDWKHU IULHQGO\ DQG ZDUP CULTURAL PATTERN B: Customers treated as “royalty” In other cultures, the customer is treated with UHYHUHQFH DQG VWD JHQHUDOO\ XVH SROLWH LPSHUVRQDO ODQJXDJH DQG EHKDYLRU WRZDUG WKHP Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at &XOWXUDO 3DWWHUQ $ &XVWRPHUV DQG VWD RQ HTXDO IRRWLQJ DQG LQ DQRWKHU FRORU WKH SDUWV WKDW UHȵHFW Cultural Pattern B: Customers as “royalty.” You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups. .S /FUFS \MJWJ . LWJ\ ZU FSI \MJWJ . QN[J YMJ XMTU XYFKK LWJJY FSI YMFSP HZXYTRJWX very politely. Their behavior is often impersonal. Sometimes it's XT UTQNYJ FSI HTRRJWHNFQ YMFY . KJJQ NYƍX XZUJWƳHNFQ -T\J[JW NS WZWFQ FWJFX YMJWJ NX RTWJ MZRFS HTRRZSNHFYNTS .S +WFSHJ where I've lived, shop staff are not always polite nor pleasant, but as a rule there is some eye HTSYFHY FSI XTRJ ƏMZRFS HTSYFHYƐ . I feel that it's very warm. There are always greetings and thanks from both sides, and that's pleasant. -DSDQHVH IHPDOH LQWHUSUHWHU KDV OLYHG LQ )UDQFH 1 .S /FUFS RFS^ KTWJNLSJWX KFHJ YMJ HTSKZXNTS TK )T . WJUQ^ YT NWFXXMFNRFXJ$ In most of TZW T\S MTRJ HTZSYWNJX YMJWJƍX F PNSI TK TGQNLFYNTS YT WJUQ^ YT XYFKK LWJJYNSLX , but in Japan, where shop staff are so very friendly and helpful, we are not required to respond. Though I spent some time in Japan, . FQ\F^X RFIJ F UTNSY TK FHPST\QJILNSL YMJ XYFKK \MT YTTP YMJ time to greet me FX . JSYJWJI YMJNW XYTWJ TW XJHYNTS LPSHUVRQDO VXSHUȴFLDO SOHDVDQW IURP ERWK VLGHV FRQIXVLRQ D QRG WR RZH a DV PXFK DQHFGRWH WR EUDJ UHYHUVH FXOWXUH VKRFN XSRQ UHWXUQLQJ WR UROO RQH V H\HV DV WKRXJK a VPDUW DOHFN Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ I Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I ɄΖQ D 6KRS 84 5 In the States it depends on the store, but overall NYƍX F QTY RTWJ WJQF]JI FSI XTRJ XYFKK do use humor to keep things light FSI HFXZFQ . I also think the staff will try to read the body QFSLZFLJ TK YMJ HZXYTRJW FSI YMJNW NSNYNFQ WJFHYNTS when they are spoken to, in order to see if they should HFWW^ TS F HTS[JWXFYNTS TW QJF[J YMJ HZXYTRJW FQTSJ $PHULFDQ PDOH WHDFKHU KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 5 .S (MNSF . KTZSI YMFY XMTU XYFKK YJSIJI YT GJ HQNSL^ and followed me everywhere, pressuring me to buy something. They openly showed their disappointment when I didn't buy anything. )UHQFK IHPDOH WHDFKHU KDV OLYHG LQ &KLQD DQG -DSDQ 6 .S R^ J]UJWNJSHJ XMTU XYFKK NS (MNSF \NQQ YW^ YT FHYN[JQ^ UZXM HJWYFNS NYJRX GZY HZXYTRJWX generally ignore them and buy only the items they want. &KLQHVH IHPDOH FROOHJH VWXGHQW KDV OLYHG LQ -DSDQ 7 .S /FUFS . KJQY QNPJ FX F HZQYZWJ YMJ^ FWJ FQQ FGTZY hospitality. . HFS WJRJRGJW YMJ XYFKK \TWPNSL FY F 2H)TSFQIƍX \JWJ OZXY FX HMJJW^ FSI SNHJ FX YMJ XYFKK \TWPNSL FY YMJ SNHJXY department stores 9MNX NXSƍY YT XF^ FS^YMNSL GFI FGTZY 2H)TSFQIƍX GZY NK ^TZƍ[J GJJS YT a fast food restaurant in the States you probably found that not everyone working there is FHYZFQQ^ MFUU^ YT GJ \TWPNSL YMJWJ . From what I saw, Japanese people take pride in everything they do and want to do it to the best of their ability. $PHULFDQ IHPDOH EDVNHWEDOO FRDFK KDV OLYHG LQ 7XUNH\ DQG -DSDQ 8 +NWXY YMJ HTZSYW^ \MJWJ . LWJ\ ZU ITJX STY MF[J F XNSLQJ ZSNƳJI HZQYZWJ *[JS FRTSL people who belong to the same JYMSNH TW QNSLZNXYNH HZQYZWJ behavior varies &X KTW NSYJWFHYNTSX GJY\JJS XYFKK FSI HZXYTRJWX NS XMTUX . YMNSP NY WJFQQ^ IJUJSIX TS YMJ XMTU &Y SJNLMGTZWMTTI shops and family businesses YMJ NSYJWFHYNTS NX RTWJ personal &Y HMFNS XYTWJX YMJ NSYJWFHYNTS is more impersonal. &DQDGLDQ PDOH WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 9 .YX STWRFQ NS +WFSHJ KTW HZXYTRJWX YT XF^ MJQQT YT XMTU XYFKK \MJS JSYJWNSL F XYTWJ and say goodbye when leaving. The shop staff also do this, when they are not engaged in INXHZXXNTS \NYM F HTQQJFLZJ 9MJ XJW[NHJ varies a lot from TSJ XMTU HQJWP YT FSTYMJW GZY salespeople do not hesitate YT LN[J UJWXTSFQN_JI FI[NHJ FSI OTPJ \NYM YMJNW HZXYTRJWX J[JS NK they are not regulars . ƳSI NY [JW^ UQJFXFSY )UHQFK IHPDOH WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 10 4SJ TK YMJ YMNSLX YMFY \FX MFWI to adjust YT \FX YMJ JSI TK F UZWHMFXJ FSI QJF[NSL F XMTU TW HTS[JSNJSHJ XYTWJ .S &RJWNHF YMJ HZXYTRJW XF^X 9MFSP ^TZ \MJS WJHJN[NSL YMJNW HMFSLJ TW F WJHJNUY 9MFY RF^ GJ YMJ JSI TK YMJ HTS[JWXFYNTS TW YMJ XYFKK RF^ XF^ XTRJYMNSL QNPJ -F[J F SNHJ IF^ YT \MNHM YMJ HZXYTRJW XMTZQI WJUQ^ >TZ YTT .S FS^ HFXJ the HZXYTRJW XUJFPX QFXY In Japan, the shop staff always see you out with a thank-you. If you XF^ NY GFHP , they say it FLFNS 9MNX HFS WJXZQY NS JSIQJXX loops. Leaving without responding to them used to make me very ZSHTRKTWYFGQJ 3T\ .[J QJFWSJI MT\ YT XF^ YMFSP ^TZ FY YMJ XFRJ YNRJ on my way out the door! -DSDQHVH IHPDOH FDUHHU FRXQVHORU KDV OLYHG LQ )UDQFH DQG 0RURFFR 11 WR NHHS WKLQJV OLJKW LQLWLDO UHDFWLRQ WR FDUU\ RQ a 6 FOLQJ\ WR SUHVVXUH a WR a 7 LWHPV 8 KRVSLWDOLW\ FKHHU\ WR WKH EHVW RI RQH V DELOLW\ 9 HWKQLF YDU\ IDPLO\ EXVLQHVV SHUVRQDO 10 WR EH HQJDJHG LQ a WR YDU\ IURP a WR a UHJXODUV 11 WR DGMXVW WR a FKDQJH WR VHH a RXW WR VD\ a EDFN ORRSV RQ WKH ZD\ RXW WKH GRRU Write a paragraph on the topic of communication in shops. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I ɄΖQ D 6KRSɄ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 85
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