Ibunka! - Unit 7 / OSF 7
『Ibunka!』のUnit 7とOSF 7のデジタルブックです。
7 Romance and Relationships
)25 7($&+(56
You and Your Culture Part 1
Answer the following questions about your daily life.
What kinds of actions do you think are romantic? Æ choose three
Imagine you are going to get married or live with someone. What things do you think are important to do together with your partner? • WDON DERXW \RXU GD\ • HDW GLQQHU WRJHWKHU • PDNH ELJ GHFLVLRQV • JR RQ UHJXODU GDWHV • KDYH IULHQGV LQ FRPPRQ • RWKHU ......................................................................... important not important
• D GD\ WULS WR 'LVQH\ODQG • OLWWOH PHVVDJHV RI ORYH • D FRRNHG EUHDNIDVW • UHPHPEHULQJ \RXU DQQLYHUVDULHV • RWKHU .........................................................................
Which of these do you think is a stronger sign of love between partners?
Would you like to get married or live with a partner in the future? Why or why not?
• Q3 Imagine you are on a lunch date with someone. Who pays the bill? • 0H • 0\ SDUWQHU • :H VSOLW WKH ELOO VOCABULARY IDQF\ WR GR WKH GLVKHV WR WDON RSHQO\ \RXU SDUWQHUȇV QHHGV WR VSOLW WKH ELOO ZKHWKHU RU QRW Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSV 44 1. First, write your answers to Questions 1~5 in full sentences, giving reasons and opinions where you can. INTERVIEW Q1: What kinds of actions do you think are romantic? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q2: Which of these do you think is more important in a relationship: to talk openly and honestly about most things, or to be able to notice your partner’s needs without words? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q3: Who usually pays the bill when you are on a lunch date with someone? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q4: What kinds of things do you think are important to do together with your long-term partner? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q5: Would you like to get married (or live with someone) in the future? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Ask the survey questions to three classmates and make notes of their answers. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 z Ʉ give little gifts z Ʉ messages z Ʉ guessing your z Ʉ split the bill z Ʉ talk about your day z Ʉ regular dates z Ʉ yes, wants to get married in late twenties z Ʉ wants to have kids Example 1DPH Sakura partner’s needs Partner 1 1DPH Partner 2 1DPH proved skills Partner 3 1DPH Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSVɄ 45 1RZ OHWȇV WKLQN DERXW -DSDQHVH VRFLHW\ DQG VRPH GLHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ YDULRXV JURXSV Write sentences using words and phrases from these lists. EXPRESSION 1 1. Ζ WKLQN WKDW LQ -DSDQ VKDUH WKH KRXVHZRUN JR RQ UHJXODU GDWHV WDON RSHQO\ DERXW HYHU\WKLQJ JXHVV WKHLU SDUWQHUȇV QHHGV ERWK KDYH MREV KDYH WUDGLWLRQDO JHQGHU UROHV OLYH WRJHWKHU EHIRUH PDUULDJH KROG KDQGV LQ SXEOLF ZHDU PDWFKLQJ ȆSDLU ORRNȇ FORWKHV \RXQJ FRXSOHV WHQG WR . PLGGOH DJHG FRXSOHV HOGHUO\ FRXSOHV 2. Ζ KDYH WKH IHHOLQJ WKDW FRXSOHV LQ XUEDQ DUHDV DUH PRUH OLNHO\ WR WKDQ FRXSOHV LQ UXUDO DUHDV FRQVHUYDWLYH W\SHV . SURJUHVVLYH W\SHV 3. PHQ ZRPHQ +RZ DERXW \RX" $UH \RX OLNH PRVW RWKHUV LQ -DSDQ RU GR \RX KDYH GLHUHQW YLHZV" Write more sentences about Japanese society, adding your own opinions or habits. EXPRESSION 2 WKDW LQ D UHODWLRQVKLS /LNH 8QOLNH SHRSOH FRXSOHV PHQ ZRPHQ YHU\ UDWKHU QRW VR PRVW -DSDQHVH PDQ\ -DSDQHVH LPSRUWDQW WR Ζ WKLQN LWȇV VKDUH WKH KRXVHZRUN ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... FRQVHUYDWLYH W\SHV SURJUHVVLYH W\SHV WR EH OLNHO\ WR a WR VKDUH WKH KRXVHZRUN UHJXODU WUDGLWLRQDO JHQGHU UROHV ȊSDLU ORRNȋ FORWKHV VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSV 46 People in Other Cultures Part 2 People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 In your opinion, is it OK for couples to have SXEOLF GLVSOD\V RI DHFWLRQ" 1 My Japanese husband is OK with holding hands when we walk around together, but he is not OK with kissing me on the street. I sometimes miss a quick peck on the cheek. Nadia ΖWDOLDQ WHDFKHU DQG WUDQVODWRU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 7-01 2 . PST\ XTRJ UJTUQJ RF^ ƳSI NY JRGFWWFXXNSL GZY . KJJQ NY is natural for couples to show their affection at any time. It shouldn’t matter where you are. I am very proud of my wife and I am happy to allow people to see that I love her very much. Trevor $PHULFDQ EXVLQHVVPDQ KDV OLYHG LQ WKH 8. 7-02 3 When I was a student in the US, I found it very strange that people called me romantic all the time just because of my French nationality. 7-03 4 And in fact, I was shocked whenever I went out with couples. Often they were all over each other, holding each other, kissing, and calling each other cute names. In France, that behavior is considered quite rude by people you are with (your friends or your family), as if you are excluding them or ignoring them. Jacques )UHQFK VXUYH\RU KDV OLYHG LQ WKH 86 7-04 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . SXEOLF GLVSOD\V RI DHFWLRQ WR ZDON DURXQG SHFN RQ WKH FKHHN DW DQ\ WLPH ΖW VKRXOGQȇW PDWWHU ZKHUH a WR EH DOO RYHU HDFK RWKHU WR FDOO HDFK RWKHU FXWH QDPHV WR H[FOXGH WR LJQRUH LQDSSURSULDWH VOCABULARY True False 1 1DGLDȇV KXVEDQG OLNHV WR H[SUHVV KLV ORYH IRU KHU ZLWK NLVVHV ZKHQ WKH\ JR RXW WRJHWKHU 2 7UHYRU GRHVQ W VHH DQ\WKLQJ ZURQJ ZLWK VKRZLQJ DHFWLRQ WRZDUGV KLV ZLIH LQ IURQW RI RWKHUV 3 -DFTXHV LV D WUXH URPDQWLF EXW SHRSOH LQ WKH 86 GLGQȇW UHFRJQL]H WKDW 4 -DFTXHV IHOW WKDW $PHULFDQ FRXSOHVȇ SXEOLF EHKDYLRU ZDV LQDSSURSULDWH Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSVɄ 47 COMPREHENSION 2 5HDG WKH UHVSRQVHV DQG ȴOO LQ WKH JDSV ZLWK WKH FRUUHFW ZRUGV Q2 Do you think it’s important that couples discuss everything, or should people be able to understand their partner’s needs without words? 5 . \TZQI XF^ YMFY INXHZXXNTS NX IJƳSNYJQ^ NRUTWYFSY .S -ZSLFW^ we have a proverb that says, “Even a mother can't the words of a speechless child.” Basically, this means that we shouldn’t anyone to guess our needs if we don’t OLVWHQ XQGHUVWDQG H[SHFW SXW Hanna +XQJDULDQ UHVHDUFK VWXGHQW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ them into words. I think that being able to to each other’s opinions and requests is one of the most vital things in a relationship. 7-05 6 My Brazilian asks me to tell him exactly what I VLJQV WLPH SDUWQHU GLHUHQFHV ” a little better. want, but I wish he could “read the I know there are cultural loves me, he should take the , but I feel that if he truly to notice my needs. Maho -DSDQHVH RɝFH ZRUNHU KDV OLYHG LQ %UD]LO 7-06 Which one of the survey responses on pages 47 and 48 was most interesting to you? Explain your choice, using the patterns below as a starting point. Then discuss it with classmates. DISCUSSION V UHVSRQVH WR EH WKH PRVW LQWHUHVWLQJ B ΖGHDOO\ Ζ WKLQN WKDW SHRSOH LQ D UHODWLRQVKLS VKRXOG Ȑ C Ζ IRXQG 1DGLD A C 1 ΖGHDOO\ Ζ WKLQN WKDW SHRSOH LQ D UHODWLRQVKLS VKRXOG Ȑ 2 ΖW VHHPV VWUDQJH WR PH WKDW Ȑ 3 3HUVRQDOO\ Ȑ 4 ΖQ P\ H[SHULHQFH Ȑ A B 1 1DGLD 2 7UHYRU 3 -DFTXHV 4 +DQQD 5 0DKR 1 LQWHUHVWLQJ 2 GHEDWDEOH 3 XQH[SHFWHG 4 UHDOLVWLF ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... VOCABULARY ................................................................................................................................... Ζ ZRXOG VD\ WKDW a GHȴQLWHO\ VSHHFKOHVV WR SXW a LQWR ZRUGV YLWDO UHDOLVWLF LGHDOO\ ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSV 48 An international couple living in Japan has responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ . As you ZLOO VHH WKH\ KDYH GLHUHQW RSLQLRQV DERXW KRZ D FRXSOH VKRXOG WDON DERXW GHFLVLRQV they need to make. Read their responses and mark the statements true or false . CULTURE SHOCK Wife 7 8 When I met my Japanese boyfriend (who later became my husband), I thought we could have frank discussions about anything. But that was before we got serious. . FR ƳSJ \NYM INXHZXXNSL YMNSLX but in a truly loving relationship, both partners ought to be attentive to the other’s needs and feelings. I feel that without real empathy, talk is useless. Mila 6ZLVV FDELQ DWWHQGDQW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 7-08 7-07 10 9 Husband For me, it’s only after having a good discussion that you can really empathize with someone. If you just try to guess their feelings, the chances are high that you’ll be mistaken a lot of the time. My wife and I are both supposed to be adults. So I feel that I shouldn’t have to explain everything to her. But when we need to make a decision, she insists on discussing everything in detail. I sometimes feel that she is like a robot that can’t deal with real human emotions. It’s frustrating, but we’re both making an effort to bridge the gap. Takeru -DSDQHVH GHVLJQHU KDV OLYHG LQ 6ZLW]HUODQG 7-09 7-10 True False 7 7DNHUX ZDQWHG 0LOD WR WHOO KLP DOO DERXW KHU H[ ER\IULHQG )UDQN 8 7DNHUX EHOLHYHV WKDW WUXH ORYH PXVW LQFOXGH EHLQJ DZDUH RI ZKDW \RXU SDUWQHU QHHGV 9 0LOD LV FRQȴGHQW WKDW VKH FDQ DOZD\V JXHVV ZKDW 7DNHUX LV WKLQNLQJ 10 7DNHUX V ZLIH FDQ H[SODLQ LQ GHWDLO KRZ URERWV ZRUN Draw a simple PDQJD based on the topic of this unit. It may be from your experience or your imagination. CREATIVITY 1 2 VOCABULARY RXJKW WR a WR EH DWWHQWLYH WR a HPSDWK\ WR HPSDWKL]H ZLWK a WKH FKDQFHV DUH KLJK WKDW a 3 4 WR EH PLVWDNHQ D ORW RI WKH WLPH WR GHDO ZLWK IUXVWUDWLQJ WR EULGJH D JDS Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSVɄ 49 7 Romance and Relationships One Step Further ACTIVITIES Here are some more responses from the Ibunka Survey on the topic of romance and relationships. Let’s examine them for underlying cultural trends. We can see that the language in many responses hints at four basic patterns. )25 7($&+(56 92&$%8/$5< SURVEY LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN A: Understanding through discussion CULTURAL PATTERN B: Understanding without words In some cultures, people believe that it’s important for couples to discuss in depth the issues that they need to make decisions about. In other cultures, the common assumption is that people should be able to understand their partner’s needs without words, and rely less on rational discussion. Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern A: Understanding through discussion DQG LQ DQRWKHU FRORU WKH SDUWV WKDW UHȵHFW Cultural Pattern B: Understanding without words. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups. .SYJQQJHYZFQQ^ . FR FYYWFHYJI YT YMJ NIJF YMFY UFWYSJWX NS F WJQFYNTSXMNU SJJI YT YFQP NS TWIJW YT ZSIJWXYFSI JFHM TYMJW . But when I think about it, maybe in reality what I really want is for my husband to guess my needs. It makes me feel loved. I think talking things T[JW NX SJHJXXFW^ GZY ZUTS WJƴJHYNTS . ITSƍY XMFWJ R^ TUNSNTSX \NYM R^ UFWYSJW YMFY TKYJS &X KTW TQIJW LJSJWFYNTSX NS R^ MTRJ HTZSYW^ . FR UWJYY^ XZWJ YMFY YMJ^ ITSY [FQZJ INXHZXXNTS GJY\JJS XUTZXJX .S YWFINYNTSFQ (MNSJXJ HZQYZWJ UJTUQJ FWJ XM^ FGTZY J]UWJXXNSL YMJNW SJJIX &KLQHVH IHPDOH RɝFH ZRUNHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 1 . YMNSP NYƍX 40 YMFY R^ UFWYSJW HFSƍY LZJXX R^ SJJIX GZY XMJ XMTZQI GJ TUJS YT R^ opinions or requests. I believe that partners should always FWYNHZQFYJ their needs. I think my /FUFSJXJ \NKJ NX RTWJ TK YMJ TUNSNTS YMFY NK ^TZ WJFQQ^ HFWJ KTW XTRJTSJ ^TZ XMTZQI GJ FGQJ YT intuit their needs 9MNX RNLMY J]UQFNS F HTSXYFSY XTZWHJ TK YJSXNTS NS TZW WJQFYNTSXMNU I sometimes feel like she wants me to be a mind-reader, but I just want her to say what she wants. We somehow muddle through FSI T[JW YNRJ MF[J QJFWSY MT\ YT FIOZXY YT JFHM TYMJWƍX XY^QJX $PHULFDQ PDOH XQLYHUVLW\ WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 2 2^ &ZXYWFQNFS \NKJ FSI . FQ\F^X YFQP FGTZY YMNSLX NK YMJWJ FWJ FS^ issues. We also share TZW SJJIX \NYM JFHM TYMJW XT YMFY \J ZSIJWXYFSI JFHM TYMJW on a better level. $XVWUDOLDQ PDOH VSRUWV FRDFK OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 3 I do think that "unspoken ZSIJWXYFSINSL NX F XNLS TK F HQTXJ WJQFYNTSXMNU GZY open and MTSJXY HTRRZSNHFYNTS NX vital in keeping it strong. 6SDQLVK PDOH XQLYHUVLW\ OHFWXUHU OLYHV LQ 6SDLQ 4 . FR RFWWNJI YT FS &ZXYWFQNFS RFS -JƍX VZNYJ J]UWJXXN[J GZY XTRJYNRJX \MJS MJƍX YFQPNSL he tends to be too long-winded .ƍR STY XYZUNI MJ ITJXSƍY SJJI YT spell things out in so RZHM IJYFNQ . I think that being too FSFQ^YNHFQ takes some of YMJ WTRFSHJ TZY TK F WJQFYNTSXMNU . -DSDQHVH IHPDOH MHZHOOHU\ DUWLVDQ KDV OLYHG LQ $XVWUDOLD 5 1 LQWHOOHFWXDOO\ XSRQ UHȵHFWLRQ 2 WR DUWLFXODWH a WR LQWXLW FRQVWDQW VRXUFH RI WHQVLRQ PLQG UHDGHU WR PXGGOH WKURXJK 3 LVVXH RQ D EHWWHU OHYHO 4 XQVSRNHQ YLWDO 5 H[SUHVVLYH ORQJ ZLQGHG WR VSHOO WKLQJV RXW DQDO\WLFDO WR WDNH WKH URPDQFH RXW RI a Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ I Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSV 86 LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN C: Having friends in common is desirable In some cultures, people think that it’s important that couples have mutual friends and do activities together. CULTURAL PATTERN D: Having separate friends is more comfortable In other cultures, many people think that it is easier and more appropriate if each partner has their own set of friends, since one’s friends may not have much in common with one’s partner. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern C: Having friends in common is desirable, and in another color the parts that suggest Cultural Pattern D: Having separate friends is more comfortable. 6 SDUWQHU 7 RQ D UHJXODU EDVLV WR HQG XS a 8 PXWXDO IULHQG VSRXVH 9 NH\ SHRSOH LQ WKH WUDGLWLRQDO VHQVH RQ P\ RZQ Write a paragraph on the topic of romance. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSVɄ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 87
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