Ibunka! - Unit 7 / OSF 7
CULTURAL PATTERN C: Having friends in common is desirable In some cultures, people think that it’s important that couples have mutual friends and do activities together.
CULTURAL PATTERN D: Having separate friends is more comfortable In other cultures, many people think that it is easier and more appropriate if each partner has their own set of friends, since one’s friends may not have much in common with one’s partner.
Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern C: Having friends in common is desirable, and in another color the parts that suggest Cultural Pattern D: Having separate friends is more comfortable.
6 SDUWQHU 7 RQ D UHJXODU EDVLV WR HQG XS a 8 PXWXDO IULHQG VSRXVH 9 NH\ SHRSOH LQ WKH WUDGLWLRQDO VHQVH RQ P\ RZQ Write a paragraph on the topic of romance. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ5RPDQFH DQG 5HODWLRQVKLSVɄ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 87
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