Ibunka!_Unit 9 / OSF 9
『Ibunka!』のUnit 9とOSF 9のデジタルブックです。
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Part 1 You and Your Culture
Please answer the following questions about your daily life.
Did you ever sleep in the same bed as your parents? Until what age?
In your opinion, when a couple has a baby, do you think it’s normal that their life becomes centered on their child? • • Q2 What do you think is the most appropriate bedtime for a six-year-old child? • DURXQG ........................ RȇFORFN Q3 For you, when was the most enjoyable stage of your childhood? • EHIRUH HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRRO XS WR DJH • HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRRO DJHV • MXQLRU KLJK VFKRRO DJHV • VHQLRU KLJK VFKRRO DJHV Q4 In your opinion, is it acceptable for a ȴYH \HDU ROG FKLOG WRȐ OK Not OK • LQWHUUXSW DGXOWV ZKR DUH VSHDNLQJ DPRQJ WKHPVHOYHV" • KDYH QR WDEOH PDQQHUV" • EH QRLV\ LQ SXEOLF SODFHV" • FKRRVH WKH IDPLO\ GLQQHU PHQX" WR EH UDLVHG SUHGRPLQDQW WKH HPSKDVLV LV RQ a DSSURSULDWH VWDJH WR LQWHUUXSW a DPRQJ WKHPVHOYHV WDEOH PDQQHUV VOCABULARY Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ 56 1. First, write your answers to Questions 1~5 in full sentences, giving reasons and opinions where you can. INTERVIEW Q1: Did you ever sleep in the same bed as your parents? If so, until what age? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q2: What do you think is the most appropriate bedtime for a six-year-old child? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q3: For you, when was the most enjoyable stage of your childhood? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ΖQ \RXU RSLQLRQ LV LW DFFHSWDEOH IRU D ȴYH \HDU ROG FKLOG WR LQWHU rupt adults? (to have no table manners? / to be noisy in public places? / to choose the family dinner menu?) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Q5: In your opinion, when a couple has a baby, do you think it’s normal that their life becomes centered on that child? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Ask the survey questions to several classmates and make notes of their answers. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 z ^JFWX TQI z around 9pm z elementary z Interrupt z Yes, small Example 1DPH Miki FIZQYX 40 z No table man SJWX 3TY 40 z No NX^ NS UZGQNH not OK z (MTTXJ RJSZ 40 XHMTTQ MFI most freedom children always need their parents' MJQU FYYJSYNTS Partner 1 1DPH Partner 2 1DPH proved skills Partner 3 1DPH Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ Ʉ Ʉ 57 1RZ OHWȇV WKLQN DERXW -DSDQHVH VRFLHW\ DQG VRPH GLHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ YDULRXV JURXSV :ULWH VHQWHQFHV XVLQJ ZRUGV DQG SKUDVHV IURP WKHVH OLVWV EXPRESSION 1 1. Ζ KDYH WKH IHHOLQJ WKDW SDUHQWV RI SUHVFKRROHUV SDUHQWV RI HOHPHQWDU\ VFKRRO FKLOGUHQ SDUHQWV RI MXQLRU KLJK VFKRRO VWXGHQWV SDUHQWV RI KLJK VFKRRO VWXGHQWV SDUHQWV RI ER\V SDUHQWV RI JLUOV ZRUNLQJ PRWKHUV VWD\ DW KRPH PRWKHUV EHGWLPH DUH TXLWH VWULFW VWXG\ DERXW DFDGHPLF VXFFHVV 2. ΖQ P\ YLHZ H[WUDFXUULFXODU DFWLYLWLHV WHQG WR EH PRUH OHQLHQW DERXW JRRG EHKDYLRU LQ SXEOLF WKDQ WKH\ DUH DERXW WDEOH PDQQHUV UHVSHFW IRU RWKHUV Corrected version 3. +RZ DERXW \RX" $UH \RX OLNH PRVW RWKHUV LQ -DSDQ RU GR \RX KDYH GLHUHQW YLHZV" :ULWH PRUH VHQWHQFHV DERXW -DSDQHVH VRFLHW\ DGGLQJ \RXU RZQ RSLQLRQV RU KDELWV EXPRESSION 2 Ζ WKLQN WKDW VWULFW YHU\ UDWKHU TXLWH PRVW SDUHQWV PDQ\ SDUHQWV DUH DERXW EHGWLPH OHQLHQW LQ -DSDQ ZDV WRR IDWKHU PRWKHU DQG ZDVQȇW VR PXFK ZHUH WRR P\ EXW SDUHQWV ZHUHQȇW VR PXFK SUHVFKRROHUV VWD\ DW KRPH PRWKHUV VWULFW OHQLHQW DFDGHPLF VXFFHVV H[WUDFXUULFXODU DFWLYLWLHV UHVSHFW IRU RWKHUV VOCABULARY Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ 58 People in Other Cultures Part 2 People from a range of cultural backgrounds responded to the ΖEXQND 6XUYH\ on this topic. Here DUH D IHZ RI WKHLU UHVSRQVHV IRU \RX WR UHDG DQG WKLQN DERXW SURVEY Q1 Until what age did you sleep in the same bed as your parents (if you did)? 1 I probably never slept in the same bed as my parents. I was put in a crib from a very young age. Then my parents probably put the crib and me in another room very soon after that, when I was just a few months old. In my country, privacy for parents is very important. The parents’ bed should remain a place for the couple, not for the family. Bill $PHULFDQ VXUYH\RU KDV OLYHG LQ 0H[LFR 9-01 2 In the UK, many people think that if little children sleep in the same bed as their parents they will never “cut the cord,” that is, become fully independent from their parents. So it’s largely frowned upon. 9-02 Catriona %ULWLVK ZULWHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 3 Since I started living in Japan, my thoughts on children having their own rooms have changed. I used to think they should sleep in a separate room from birth, but later I came to think that this should happen when they start school. Now, I think it should be only when they feel ready. Sleeping with my kids was so cozy and intimate. 9-03 COMPREHENSION 1 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . True False FULE SULYDF\ WR FXW WKH FRUG IXOO\ LQGHSHQGHQW WR EH IURZQHG XSRQ FR VOHHSLQJ VOCABULARY 1 %LOO VOHSW LQ D VHSDUDWH URRP IURP KLV SDUHQWVȇ IURP ZKHQ KH ZDV ERUQ 2 ΖQ WKH 8. LWȇV ZLGHO\ EHOLHYHG WKDW VOHHSLQJ ZLWK \RXU FKLOGUHQ LV QRW JRRG IRU WKHLU GHYHORSPHQW 3 7KURXJK H[SHULHQFH &DWULRQD IRXQG WKDW WKHUH ZHUH JRRG SRLQWV WR FR VOHHSLQJ Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ Ʉ Ʉ 59 COMPREHENSION 2 5HDG WKH UHVSRQVHV DQG ȴOO LQ WKH JDSV ZLWK WKH FRUUHFW ZRUGV Q2 In the culture you grew up in, would you say that the general attitude toward children is strict? How about in other cultures you have lived in? 4 It seems to me that in Japan there is a real QFNXXJ_ KFNWJ FYYNYZIJ TK UFWJSYX YT\FWIX YMJNW HMNQIWJS . TKYJS XJJ children whining in front of other people, and their parents say nothing. French children usually behave themselves in public. If they are or boisterous they will be quickly reprimanded. I lived in France for a few years. I would say that children there seemed to be better behaved than children in Australia. I think in France the expectations were higher, and there were fewer made for children who weren't behaving in a socially acceptable way. for the child to always be seen as 'right' in the eyes of their parents, and this is played out in parents' with teachers, and in schools across the country. I would say that children in my culture are supported almost to the point of being indulged. 5 6 Here in Australia, I think there's a QRLV\ XQFRQFHUQHG REYLRXV Julien )UHQFK WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 9-04 WHQGHQF\ H[FXVHV UHODWLRQVKLSV GLVFLSOLQH 9-05 Tim $XVWUDOLDQ DUWLVW KDV OLYHG LQ )UDQFH 9-06 Which one of the survey responses on pages 59 and 60 was most interesting to you? Explain your choice, using the patterns below as a starting point. Then discuss it with classmates. DISCUSSION V UHVSRQVH WR EH WKH PRVW WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJ . B :KHQ Ζ ZDV D FKLOG Ζ Ȑ C Ζ IRXQG %LOO A C 1 :KHQ Ζ ZDV D FKLOG Ζ Ȑ 2 ΖW VHHPV VWUDQJH WR PH WKDW Ȑ 3 3HUVRQDOO\ Ȑ 4 ΖQ P\ H[SHULHQFH Ȑ A B 1 WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJ 2 GHEDWDEOH 3 XQH[SHFWHG 4 UHDOLVWLF 1 %LOO 2 &DWULRQD 3 -XOLHQ 4 7LP VOCABULARY ODLVVH] IDLUH ZKLQLQJ XQFRQFHUQHG WR EHKDYH RQHVHOI ERLVWHURXV KLJK H[SHFWDWLRQV LQ WKH H\HV RI a WR EH UHSULPDQGHG WR EH SOD\HG RXW ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ 60 COMPREHENSION 3 Read the responses and mark the statements true or false . Q3 +DYH \RX QRWLFHG DQ\ GLHUHQFHV LQ SDUHQWLQJ EHWZHHQ \RXU KRPH FXOWXUH and other cultures you have lived in? 7 I get the impression that mothers in Japan are expected to devote all of their time and energy to their children. It seems that they almost stop being individuals while they are raising their children, and only get their life back when the kids leave the nest. But maybe it’s less true of the younger generation. Jennifer &DQDGLDQ KRPHPDNHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 9-07 8 I have always been struck by how much some Japanese parents pamper their children. I see my wife’s relatives sleeping in the same bed as their kids, preparing their meals, even letting them choose the family dinner menu. I sometimes worry that these children will never learn any responsibility. 9-08 9 But once they leave the house, these same kids are amazingly mature. Many small children walk by themselves to school, and carry out many duties in their classrooms, such as serving lunches and cleaning the school. This gap between indulgence and discipline is pretty startling for many Westerners I’ve spoken to. Rick, 1HZ =HDODQGHU WHDFKHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 9-09 True False 7 -HQQLIHU WKLQNV WKDW PDQ\ -DSDQHVH PRWKHUV GRQȇW SXW HQRXJK HQHUJ\ LQWR WKHLU SDUHQWLQJ 8 5LFN EHOLHYHV WKDW SDUHQWV VKRXOGQȇW OHW FKLOGUHQ FKRRVH ZKDW WR KDYH IRU GLQQHU 9 6HHLQJ \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ FOHDQ WKHLU RZQ VFKRROV ZDV VXUSULVLQJ WR 5LFN Draw a simple PDQJD based on the topic of this unit. It may be from your experience or your imagination. CREATIVITY 1 2 VOCABULARY LQGLYLGXDOV WR JHW RQH
V OLIH EDFN WR OHDYH WKH QHVW WR SDPSHU a UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR FDUU\ RXW GXWLHV PDWXUH LQGXOJHQFH GLVFLSOLQH VWDUWOLQJ 3 4 Ʉ8QLW ɄΖɄ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ Ʉ Ʉ 61 9 Parents and Children One Step Further ACTIVITIES Here are some more responses from the Ibunka Survey on the topic of parenting. Let’s examine them for underlying cultural trends. We can see that the language in many responses hints at four basic patterns. )25 7($&+(56 92&$%8/$5< SURVEY LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN A: Parenting is centered on the child CULTURAL PATTERN B: Parenting is based on rules and manners In some cultures, many parents indulge their children, and often give them unconditional support (as seen in the Australian person's response on page 60). In other cultures, children are taught the social rules and etiquette of society in a rather strict way (as seen in the French person's response on page 60). Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern A: Parenting is centered on the child, and in another color the parts that suggest Cultural Pattern B: Parenting is based on rules and manners. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups. . \FX WFNXJI NS F UWJYY^ XYWNHY KFRNQ^ . XYNQQ MJFW R^ KFYMJW X [TNHJ YJQQNSL RJ YT "sit up straight ITSY UZY ^TZW JQGT\X TS YMJ YFGQJ . KJJQ QNPJ . [J FQ\F^X GJJS NSXYWZHYJI NS YFGQJ manners, with rules like waiting until everyone was at the table before starting to eat, and TSQ^ QJF[NSL YMJ YFGQJ \MJS J[JW^TSJ \FX ƳSNXMJI . ST\ QN[J NS /FUFS SJFW 9TP^T It blows my mind to MJFW R^ SJNLMGTW X HMNQI
\MT NX FGTZY ^JFWX TQI WZSSNSL FSI XHWJFRNSL FWTZSI YMJ MTZXJ FY UR XTRJYNRJX J[JS UR , even on weekdays. I had to go to them several times to ask them to HFQR MNR IT\S . )UHQFK IHPDOH DFFRXQWDQW OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 1 & KJ\ YMNSLX FGTZY UFWJSYNSL MF[J XZWUWNXJI RJ \MNQJ QN[NSL NS /FUFS +TW J]FRUQJ \J \JWJ FY F KWNJSIX MTZXJ FSI YMJNW HMNQI \FX OZRUNSL TS YMJ XTKF XT R^ PNIX XYFWYJI OZRUNSL ZU FSI down too. I told my kids to get down. I said, “We don't jump on furniture.” But the mother said, “No, no, it's okay!” . WJUQNJI Ə3T NY NX STY TPF^ 9MJ^ HFSY OZRU TS KZWSNYZWJ Ɛ .K TYMJW people's kids jumped on my furniture I would tell them off &SI TSHJ R^ XTS TUJSJI XTRJTSJ else's fridge to get a drink. I told him off but the person said, “No, no, I don't mind.” I said “I RNSI NY NX WZIJ FSI MJ HFSY IT NY Ɛ . FQXT ITSY QJY TYMJW UJTUQJX PNIX MJQU YMJRXJQ[JX YT YMNSLX from my fridge. %ULWLVK IHPDOH ZULWHU OLYHV LQ -DSDQ 2 1 WR VLW XS VWUDLJKW LW EORZV P\ PLQG WR FDOP a GRZQ 2 WR WHOO a R 3 NLQGHUJDUWHQ QXUWXULQJ 4 WR LQWHUUXSW YH[LQJ WR EH VFROGHG 5 VRFLDO SUHVVXUH FRPSHWLWLRQ ȴHUFH WR IDOO EHKLQG Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ I Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ 90 LOOKING FOR PATTERNS CULTURAL PATTERN D: Parents and children sleep together CULTURAL PATTERN C: Parents and children sleep separately In other cultures, small children are viewed as fragile beings who need to be nurtured and protected, so they sleep with their parents. The family generally sleeps as a group. In some cultures, children are made to sleep by themselves from a young age. This is to help them become independent, and also to allow parents to have intimacy as a couple. Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern C: Parents and children sleep separately, and in another color the parts that show Cultural Pattern D: Parents and children sleep together. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups. My Japanese wife and I slept alongside TZW HMNQIWJS KTW RFS^ ^JFWX 7 DORQJVLGH a VXUUHDO SUHVFKRRO DJH VHQVH RI LQGHSHQGHQFH 8 9 ULJKW WKHUH HPHUJHQF\ Write a paragraph on the topic of parenting and culture. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ Ʉ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 91
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