Ibunka!_Unit 9 / OSF 9
CULTURAL PATTERN D: Parents and children sleep together
CULTURAL PATTERN C: Parents and children sleep separately
In other cultures, small children are viewed as fragile beings who need to be nurtured and protected, so they sleep with their parents. The family generally sleeps as a group.
In some cultures, children are made to sleep by themselves from a young age. This is to help them become independent, and also to allow parents to have intimacy as a couple.
Read through the Ibunka Survey responses below. Highlight in one color the words and phrases that hint at Cultural Pattern C: Parents and children sleep separately, and in another color the parts that show Cultural Pattern D: Parents and children sleep together. You can work and discuss this in pairs or small groups.
My Japanese wife and I slept alongside TZW HMNQIWJS KTW RFS^ ^JFWX 7 DORQJVLGH a VXUUHDO SUHVFKRRO DJH VHQVH RI LQGHSHQGHQFH 8 9 ULJKW WKHUH HPHUJHQF\ Write a paragraph on the topic of parenting and culture. Include your opinions and reactions to the cultural patterns you found in these survey responses. EXPRESSION Ʉ8QLW Ʉ I Ʉ3DUHQWV DQG &KLOGUHQ Ʉ I Ʉ One Step Further Ʉ 91
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