OSF2 Gform

7 French / female / architect / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: have not created a routine for falling asleep and getting up at a set time / Japanese people seem to be able to fall asleep regardless of any background noise. Noise at night is omnipresent in Japan 8 British / male / teacher / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: socially acceptable to sleep in meetings / Many of my students believe that the less sleep they have - especially before a test - the better they are studying 9 French / female / artist / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: I feel that many Japanese people do not have respect for the sleep of others

Cultural Pattern B: That’s unthinkable in France / we do get a good night's sleep.

Cultural Pattern B: My belief is that they need to be well-rested, both to do their best in class and to learn out of class.

Cultural Pattern B: I had to really put my foot down to have my family respect my sleep. As children in France, we were taught to have consideration for other people, and not make any noise when a family member was sleeping or napping. Cultural Pattern B: Having enough energy is extremely important for me. For health and life in general, if you are tired, you miss out on a lot of things and opportunities. And on the contrary, if you are well-rested you can fully enjoy your day and work effciently.

10 Finnish / male / engineer / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: none



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