ibunka TB_U10

Script for Model INTERVIEW (textbook p.63)

→ Available as audio track “10-00-Interview10” for listening/note-taking practice.

Q1: What kind of favors do you ask of people around you? And who do you ask? Hayato: I ask my family for advice pretty often. I can also ask my close friends for advice, and help with study. Q2: Are you more comfortable asking favors from people older than you, or people younger than you? Hayato: I guess people older than me, my sempai, are easiest for me to ask. It’s not as easy for me to ask classmates or people the same age as me. Q3: When you ask someone your age for a favor, how do you go about it? Hayato: I Yind it difYicult to ask directly, so I just hint at my problem and hope that they can pick up on what I’m trying to say. Q4: What kind of favors could you ask of your best friend from high school? Hayato: Ken? I could always ask him for help with my homework, and a lend of a book if I needed one. And we could talk about love, and he gave me some good advice. Q5: When you ask someone for a favor, do you expect that you will have to repay it? Hayato: Yes, I usually feel that way. I do feel a sense of obligation, and I look for ways to try and repay their kindness.



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