ibunka TB_U3
Script for Model INTERVIEW (textbook p.21)
→ Available as audio track “3-00-Interview3” for listening/note-taking practice.
Q1: When your teacher asks a question to the whole class, do you usually raise your hand? Akira: No, almost never. I’m pretty shy. Q2: When do you Yind it easiest to speak up in class?
Akira: I guess it’s easiest when I know my classmates well. It’s hard for me to speak up in front of people I don’t know, like at the start of a new school year. But also, having a friendly teacher makes it easier to speak up. Q3: That’s true. So, what kind of learning style do you enjoy most? Akira: I enjoy learning through discussion. It’s fun, and nice to hear other student’s opinions. Q4: If the teacher asks you a question in class and you don’t know the answer, what do you usually do? Akira: Well, I try to show that I’m making an effort, by looking through the textbook for the answer. Sometimes I whisper to my neighbors for help! Q5: Why do you think students usually remain silent after being asked a question by the teacher? Akira: I think most students are like me, and just don’t want to look stupid by saying the wrong answer. Also, they know that if they wait long enough, the teacher will move onto another student. Q5.1: I guess that’s true. Thanks for your answers!
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