ibunka TB_U3
Answers to COMPREHENSION 2 (textbook p.24)
Example Sentences for DISCUSSION (textbook p.24) • I found Hayley’s response to be the most surprising. I think that I would get tired if classes were interactive all the time, because I’m not used to that style. • I found Thierry’s response to be the most relatable. He said that most of his teachers in France did a lot of the talking and students just listened and took notes. I think that’s pretty similar to most classes in Japan. 6 Thierry, French, company employee, lives in France But students are expected to respond when a teacher asks them a question. If there is silence , it’s very short. The student might say something like, “I don't know,” or, “I forgot.” The teacher would then move on to another student. French teachers and students are generally uncomfortable with silence. It feels odd if there is no reply from the student. This may upset the teacher, and they will usually show it. 5 Thierry, French, company employee, lives in France I cannot say that classes in France are interactive, at least not in my experience . Most of my teachers did a lot of the talking and students just listened and took notes .
Answers to CULTURE SHOCK (textbook p.25)
7 Carmen, Spanish, teacher, lives in Japan In Japan, I was faced many times with a difficult situation: a student staying completely silent after I asked them a question in front of the whole class. As a language teacher, that was hard to take. I felt a lot of pressure when it happened to me but I tried to hide it, to show I was in control of the class. I don’t think my students knew I was feeling so stressed.
→ Carmen sometimes felt stress and pressure in Japanese classrooms because students didn’t respond to her questions.
8 Carmen, Spanish, teacher, lives in Japan In Spain, a student not responding to a direct question would mean that the student is defying the teacher's authority. It's quite embarrassing for everyone.
→ In the culture Carmen grew up in, it’s considered rude for students to say, “I don’t know” directly to their teacher.
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