ibunka TB_U3

9 Ken , Japanese, employee, has lived in the US I did a one-year study abroad program in the US. The biggest shock I had in class was about how quickly everyone was replying. I remember being surprised when a classmate was put on the spot by the teacher and said, “I’m not sure” without blinking an eye. I wondered why he wasn’t looking a bit harder for the answer. But everyone seemed to be OK with that.


→ Ken was surprised at how hard American students looked for the answers to their teacher’s questions.

10 Ken , Japanese, employee, has lived in the US Gradually I got into the habit of replying straight away whenever I was asked a question, even if I didn’t know the answer.


→ After some time, Ken became able to respond to his teacher within a few seconds.

Extra Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever taken classes in a foreign culture (for example, as an exchange student or on a short study tour)? Did you Yind the classes more or less enjoyable than classes in Japan? Why? 2. Why do you think there is so much pressure in some classrooms to only give the “correct” answer?

Extra Activities



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