ibunka TB_U4

Part 1

1 - You and Your Culture

Online Form for WARM-UP SURVEY (textbook p.26)

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Online Form for INTERVIEW (textbook p.27)

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Example Sentences for INTERVIEW (textbook p.27) Q1: Who do you currently live with? • I live with my family; my father and mother, younger brother and grandfather. • I live alone in an apartment near campus. • I live with my parents in the house I grew up in. Q2: How often do people come to your home? • Our relatives visit once or twice a year, and I sometimes have friends over on the weekend. • My mother occasionally has friends over for coffee, but I never do. • I can’t remember the last time someone visited my house. Q3: What do people usually visit your house for? • My friends usually just hang out or play video games with me. • When relatives come they usually stay for dinner. • Occasionally I’ll have a takoyaki party or something fun like that. Q4: Which rooms in your house do you let guests into? • Neighbors come only as far as the entry hall. It’s rare for them to take off their shoes and come in. • My friends usually just come through the entry hall into my room. Q4.1: Do you give people a tour of your house? • Sometimes, if it’s someone who I know will come over again. • No, never. That would feel like showing off. Q5: Do you prefer to spend time with people in their homes, or in public places such as cafes? Why? • I prefer to socialize in cafes and restaurants, because I don’t have to tidy up or cook. • I guess I like socializing in homes. It’s more relaxing for me.



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