ibunka TB_U5

Part 1

1 - You and Your Culture

Online Form for WARM-UP SURVEY (textbook p.32)

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Online Form for INTERVIEW (textbook p.33)

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Example Sentences for INTERVIEW (textbook p.33) Q1: Have you ever been a member of a school club or circle? • Yes, I was a member of the badminton club in junior high school, and the volunteer circle at high school. I’m not in any clubs now. • Yes. I’ve been playing baseball in clubs since the second grade of junior high school. • Well, I played the clarinet of the brass band in junior high school, but I haven’t been in any clubs since then. Q2: What were the reasons you joined (or didn’t join) a club in high school? • I joined the basketball circle because my best friend was in it. • I was manager of the water polo club because I was interested in the sport, and it seemed like an easy role. • I wasn’t in any clubs in high school because I didn’t really have the time. I had a long commute every day. Q3: What do you think are the beneYits of being in a school club? • I think the greatest beneLit of being in a club is the friendship. I made many good friends. • I would say that being in a club is good for learning teamwork and improving certain skills. • Being in a club gives you the chance to gain friends, conLidence and experience . Q4: Do you think that doing club activities Yive times a week at university is worth the time and effort? • I think it is. It’s a lot of time to put in, but you can gain many things from it. • Not really. I think that studying should be your Lirst priority, but if you have the time, it’s probably OK. • No, that is just too much time to put in. I think your studies would suffer if you had to put that much time into your club. Q5: What do you think is the ideal frequency for club activities at university? • I would say that two or three times a week is just right. • I think that four times a week is good, if the sessions are not too long.



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