ibunka TB_U5

Script for Model INTERVIEW (textbook p.33)

→ Available as audio track “5-00-Interview5” for listening/note-taking practice.

Q1: Have you ever been a member of a school club or circle? Naomi: Yes. I was in the volleyball club in high school, and now I’m in a volunteer circle at this university. Q2: What were the reasons you joined the volleyball club in high school? Naomi: I guess I just wanted to make friends. I had just moved to a new town, and didn’t know anyone. Q3: I see. What do you think are the beneYits of being in a school club? Naomi: Well, of course there’s the friendship. But playing volleyball, I also learned a lot about teamwork. Q4: Do you think that doing club activities Yive times a week at university is worth the time and effort? Naomi: Five times a week at university? No, I think that’s just too much time to put in. Q5: OK then. What do you think is the ideal frequency for club activities at university? Naomi: I think about once or twice a week is enough. Our volunteer circle is like that, and as a break from studies, it feels just right.



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