ibunka TB_U6

Online Form for EXPRESSION 1 & 2 (textbook p.40)

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Example Sentences for EXPRESSION 1 (textbook p.40) • I think that in Japan, customers tend to stay a long time in cafes more than they do in convenience stores. • I think that in Japan, customers tend to ask for discounts in street markets more than they do in supermarkets. • Staff in hair salons are more likely to chat than those in high-end brand stores. • Staff in family-owned stores are more likely to talk about themselves than those in chain restaurants. • I think that staff in boutiques are more likely to make eye contact with customers than those in department stores. Example Sentences for EXPRESSION 2 (textbook p.40) • I think that a lot of customers in Japan go to convenience stores to shop quickly, but I prefer to look at items slowly and carefully. • I think that a lot of customers in Japan go to high-end brand stores for the quality products and atmosphere and I do too. • I think that many workers in Japan go to bars to reward themselves, but I prefer to relax and refresh myself at home.

Part 2

t 2 - People in Other Cultures

Online Form for PART 2 (textbook p.41-p.43)

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Answers to COMPREHENSION 1 (textbook p.41) Highlighted words are those from the VOCABULARY boxes.



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