ibunka TB_U6

Extra Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever had a bad experience in a store, as a customer or as a member of staff? 2. Which chain store in Japan do you think has the best service? Why do you feel this way? 3. Do you prefer to use the self-checkout system when you shop in a store? Why do you think people choose this way of shopping? 4. Do you think that the Japanese spirit of omotenashi is effective and positive in all cultures? Why or why not?

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Suggested Answers for ONE STEP FURTHER Activities (Google Form)

p.84-p.85 | LOOKING FOR PATTERNS Here are some example answers for the Google form. 1 Japanese / female / interpreter / has lived in France Cultural Pattern A: so polite and commercial that I feel it’s superficial / In France, where I've lived, shop staff are not always polite nor pleasant, but as a rule there is some eye contact and some “human contact” / There are always greetings and thanks from both sides

Cultural Pattern B: In Japan, where I grew up and where I live, the shop staff greet and thank customers very politely. Their behavior is often impersonal



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