ibunka TB_U7

Script for Model INTERVIEW (textbook p.45)

→ Available as audio track “7-00-Interview7” for listening/note-taking practice.

Q1.1: Hi Sakura. Do you mind if I ask you a few personal questions? Sakura: Not at all. Q1.2: Thanks. What kinds of actions do you think are “romantic” ? Sakura: I think giving little gifts to each other is nice. And messages are romantic too. I want to know that my partner is thinking about me. Q2: Which of these do you think is more important in a relationship: to talk openly and honestly about most things, or to be able to guess your partner’s needs without words? Sakura: Hmm. Good question. Conversation is important, but my partner should really know me well enough to be able to guess what I want or need. Q3: Who pays the bill when you are on a lunch date with someone? Sakura: We usually just split the bill. It’s easier that way. Q4: I see. What kinds of things do you think are important to do together with your partner? Sakura: Well, like I said, communication is important, so in the evening it’s nice to talk about your day. And I do think it’s important to spend time going out together as often as you can. Q5: And Yinally, a very personal question. Would you like to get married (or live together with someone) in the future? Sakura: Yes, I do want to get married one day- in my late twenties would be good. I want to have children.



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