ibunka TB_U7

Extra Discussion Questions 1. What do you think are the biggest challenges for people in international marriages?

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Suggested Answers for ONE STEP FURTHER Activities (Google Form)

p.86-p.87 | LOOKING FOR PATTERNS Here are some example answers for the Google form. 1 Chinese / female / ofYice worker / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: Intellectually, I am attracted to the idea that partners in a relationship need to talk in order to understand each other

Cultural Pattern B: maybe in reality what I really want is for my husband to guess my needs. It makes me feel loved / As for older generations in my home country, I am pretty sure that they don't value discussion between spouses. In traditional Chinese culture, people are shy about expressing their needs.

2 American / male / university teacher / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: I think it’s OK that my partner can’t guess my needs, but she should be open to my opinions or requests. I believe that partners should always articulate their needs / I just want her to say what she wants

Cultural Pattern B: I think my Japanese wife is more of the opinion that if you really care for someone, you should be able to intuit their needs / I sometimes feel like she wants me to be a mind-reader



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