ibunka TB_U8
Integrating the “Western cultural codes of conversation” into Japanese oral communication classes In our oral communication textbook Conversations in Class , our goal is to (1) unblock uncommunicative students who have never had an actual two-way conversation, (2) have them practice basic conversation patterns that are suited to basic, everyday conversations in English. We give them three cultural “Golden Rules” and encourage them to incorporate them into repeated practice. This must be repeated because taking on such habits requires time, as our habits or “scripts” for conversation are cultural and therefore deeply ingrained. The three Golden Rules that we encourage students to follow are: GR1: Don’t remain silent more than a few seconds → How? By making “thinking sounds”, repeating the question, asking to clarify the question, asking for help in formulating an answer, saying you don’t know, etc. GR2: Give long answers → How? By replying to at least one implicit question contained in the explicit question. GR3: Speak from yourself → How? By answering your partner’s “How about you?” question before they ask you, or by rebounding on what someone said by speaking about oneself on the same topic.
How cool are you with disagreement? The Comprehension 2 and Culture Shock sections look at the topic of disagreement or contradiction within discussions. • Japanese respondent Juri talks on page 54 about her experience with French people having a rather animated discussion. She was shocked when she thought her French boyfriend and his friend were having a Yight. Their tone was probably elevated, their debating rapiers unsheathed, and their gaze intense, they interrupted each other constantly. But it turned out that they were just having fun contradicting each other, and they were surprised at her emotional reaction. • On page 55, Italian Vincenzo shares his experience of living in the US. Like Juri’s French boyfriend, and members of other Latin cultures, he views interrupting as an expression of interest in what the discussion partner is saying. As he admits, “I can’t help but jump in.”
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