ibunka TB_U8

One Step Further rther

Online Form for ONE STEP FURTHER

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Suggested Answers for ONE STEP FURTHER Activities (Google Form)

p.88-p.89 | LOOKING FOR PATTERNS Here are some example answers for the Google form. 1 Portuguese / female / lawyer / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: I tend to give long answers if I want to continue the conversation with that person / if I don't feel like continuing the conversation, I'm more likely to answer dryly and quickly, with an answer like “No, I don’t.” 2 Polish / female / homemaker / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: I speak about myself without being asked questions / I am pretty good at talking 3 French / female / translator and teacher / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: In my case I tend to give long answers 4 Japanese / female / publishing executive / lives in Japan Cultural Pattern A: If it's a friend from daycare, a neighbor, or someone with whom I want to have an ongoing relationship, I would try to give long answers.

Cultural Pattern B: none

Cultural Pattern B: Japanese people around me would rather ask questions than talk about themselves.

Cultural Pattern B: none

Cultural Pattern B: I try to maintain a proper distance by adjusting how much I talk about myself / I would probably give short answers, because I wouldn’t want to force them to talk.



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